Maker Podcast

MakeYourStory Narrative Podcast Submission

Calling all Purdue students! Do you have a story about inspiration, creativity, innovation, or making? Or would you like to interview a maker, creator, or innovator? The Purdue Libraries and School of Communication are taking submissions for a narrative podcast episode on your story of making or your interview of a maker. The top three episodes to best meet the below requirements will be selected from the pool of submissions for a $100 Visa gift card.

Here’s what to do:

Your episode should adhere to the following requirements:

  • Created and submitted by Purdue student(s).
  • Episode has a narrative arc (beginning, middle, and end).
  • Includes well-timed and meaningful audio elements (See section on Sound Effects/Music).
  • Episode is 15-30 minutes in length.
  • Audio-only submission. Delivered as a YouTube link or the episode links (embedded code and episode file) from a podcast hosting site, such as Castos, Buzzsprout, PodBean, etc.

Check out these podcast resources available to you.

Send your submissions to:

Questions about developing your podcast episode, reach out to one of the hosts of MakeYourStory:

Deadline is April 22, 2022. The winners will be announced early May 2022 and their episodes will be posted on the MakeYourStory website.