Employment Opportunities
Additional Resources
How to Apply – Purdue’s Hiring Process
Employment @ Purdue
About the Cities of Lafayette and West Lafayette
Faculty Openings
Management Professional Openings
Evening Assistant Operations Manager – Req. 36212
Administrative Professional Openings
Research Data Curation Specialist – Req. 36201
Clerical Service Openings
Library Assistant – Req. 36369
Library Assistant (evenings) – Req. 36051
Graduate Assistantships
If you are applying for a graduate assistantship, you don’t need to fill out the application. Graduate students should send their resume to libadmin@purdue.edu. If there are positions available, the hiring managers will review applications and contact applicants directly.
Prospective Student Employees
Most of the student positions within Purdue Libraries are Federal Work-Study (FWS). This is a federally funded financial aid program designed to help students meet educational costs through the use of part-time employment. FWS students will be considered for employment at Libraries before students not on the FWS program. It is not impossible, but unlikely, that you will be hired if you are not part of the FWS program. A notable exception to the FWS preference is Libraries IT Helpdesk. Student workers for the Helpdesk are hired because of their IT skills not their FWS status.
It is important that you know if you have been awarded FWS as part of your financial aid package. That information can be found on your Financial Aid Award Letter or on the online Financial Aid Self Service system at http://mypurdue.purdue.edu. If you are not a FWS student, you can still apply to Libraries. Just mark the appropriate box on the application form.