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In Diversity and Making: A Podcast and Video Series, The Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies’ (PULSIS) Maker programming and The Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (AAARCC) have collaborated to highlight diverse voices doing diverse Making. Our collaboration came out of conversations and programming where we asked ourselves and Purdue students to define who Makers are and what Making is.

Throughout the academic year of 2020-2021, we will be posting six Maker individuals and communities that bring unique voices and vision to Making. This year, our collaboration highlights the involvement of diverse Asian and Asian American Making communities as part of a collection of diverse Makers. Our series connects Makers and the Boilermaker communities through an invitation to participate in a Making activity. We look forward to the conversations, projects, and feedback the program will inspire.

Have you tried one of these projects? Submit photos of your project.


Diversity and Making

Episode 6: Cookie Art as Activism

Maker: Jasmine M. Cho

Maker Activity: Making Cookies of Role Models

In this month’s episode, we talk with Jasmine Cho, a Pittsburgh-based artist, author, and cookie activist most known for using portrait cookies that elevate representation for Asian Pacific Americans. She is also a Food Network Christmas Cookie Challenge Champion and the Founder of Yummyholic. Her cookie activism has been featured internationally on various media outlets that include NPR, The Huffington Post, CBS, and The Korea Daily. We talk with Jasmine about her path to becoming a cookie activist, her dream of building a 1000 healing kitchens, Pittsburgh’s “Jasmine Cho Day,” among many interesting and thought provoking topics.

Making Audio Visual Art from Data

Episode 5: Making Audio Visual Art from Data

Makers: Esteban Garcia & Aaron Zernack

Maker Activity: Public Art Project and Pure Data Sound Creation Demo

In this month’s episode, we talk with the audio-visual art collaborators, Esteban Garcia Bravo and Aaron Zernack. Esteban is an associate professor at Purdue in the Computer Graphics Technology program and Aaron is the owner of the graphic design business, Mine-us. They share with us how the local art and music scene has influenced and supported their work, the open source software they use and their processes of programming and coding of data to create their art.

Making with African Print Fabrics

Episode 4: Making with African Print Fabrics

Maker: Kadari Taylor Watson

Maker Activity: Heart Warmer

In this episode, we talk with Kadari Taylor Watson. Kadari is a Material Culture Historian and a Ph. D candidate in American Studies at Purdue. She specializes in Politics of Race, Gender, & Beauty, Healing as Craft, Apparel Design & Technology. She shares stories with us about the power of African print fabrics, the scholarship she is creating to share her knowledge and the African American printed fabric she is designing.

Making Art

Episode 3: Making Art

Maker: DG House

Maker Activity: Ledger Art

In this episode, we talk with DG House, a Native American contemporary artist. DG works across a variety of media, including painting, photography and printmaking. As a successful artist with many stories and much wisdom to share, a few of the many topics we cover include her process, the importance of land acknowledgement and the places where making and art meet.

Makers Making Assistive Devices

Episode 2: Makers Making Assistive Devices

Maker: Kristina Mok

Maker Activity: Raindrop Switch

In this episode, we talk with Kristina Mok from Makers Making Change. The mission of the organization is to “achieve economic and social inclusiveness for all people with disabilities.” The organization achieves this mission through community based Makers, Occupational Therapists and Volunteers to develop and deliver affordable open source assistive technologies. Listen to the podcast and pick up materials to make your own raindrop switch at WALC on Oct. 26, 5-8 PM!!

Making as Self Reflection

Episode 1: Making as Self Reflection

Maker: Dr. Avneet Hira

Maker Activity: Mood Avatar

In our first episode of Diversity and Making: A Podcast and Video Series, we speak with Purdue alumni Dr. Avneet Hira (Ph.D., Engineering Education) about her path into Making and the ways in which Making is unique from engineering design practices. Listen to the podcast and learn about the Making activity!
