Faculty Rank: Professor

Liaison Areas: Physics

Research Interest:

Applying active learning techniques to information literacy instruction;
Information seeking behavior of scientists and engineers;
Scholarly publishing issues


MLIS, University of Washington, 1997.
M.S., Physics, University of Washington, 1996
B.S. Physics and Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1992.

Professional Memberships and Service:

Editorial Board, Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship (2001-))

Section Editor, Resources for College Libraries, “Physics” (2005-2020))

Section Editor, Guide to Reference, “Physics” and “General Science” (2005-2010))

Librarians Advisory Council to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (2007-2020))

Library Advisory Board, Institute of Physics Publications (IoPP) (2012-2014))

American Institute of Physics Publications Policies Committee (2001-2004))

Physics-Astronomy Mathematics Division: Chair (2003-2004), Treasurer (2000-2002))



Fosmire, Michael and David Radcliffe (2014) Integrating Information into the Engineering Design Process. (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press).

Fosmire, Michael. (2013) Sudden Selector’s Guide to Physics. (Chicago: ACLTS, ALA Publishing).

Book Chapters

Fosmire, M., & A.E. Van Epps (2018) “Competency-Based Education, Badging, and the Library.” In Teaching with Digital Badges: Best Practices for Libraries, edited by Trudi Jacobson and Kelsey O’Brien. (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield).

Siddiqui, J., Adams, R.S., & M.J. Fosmire (2015). “Research-to-Practice Workshop: Design and experience.” In Analyzing Design Review Conversations, edited by R.S. Adams and J. Siddiqui. (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press).

Yatcilla, J.K., and Fosmire, M. (2014). “Research in the Sciences,” in Research within the Disciplines: Foundations for Reference and Library Instruction, edited by Peggy Keeran and Michael Levine-Clark. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield).

Fosmire, M. (2014).  “Engineering Research,” in Research within the Disciplines: Foundations for Reference and Library Instruction, edited by Peggy Keeran and Michael Levine-Clark.  (New York: Rowman and Littlefield).

Selected Articles
Zakharov, W., Li, H., Fosmire, M., Pascuzzi, P., & Harbor, J. (2021) A Mixed Method Study of Self- and Peer-assessment:  Implications of Grading Online Writing Assignments on Scientific News Literacy.  College and Undergraduate Libraries.

Douglas, K.A., Fernandez, T., Fosmire, M., Van Epps, A.E., & Purzer, S. (2020) Self-directed Information Literacy Scale:  A Comprehesive Validation Study.  Journal of Engineering Education 109(4): 685-703.

Phillips, M., Fosmire, M., Schirone, M., Johansson, C., & Berry. F. (2020) Workplace Information Needs of Engineering and Technology Graduates: A Case Study on Two Continents. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).

Zakharov, W., Li, H., & Fosmire, M. (2019). Undergraduates’ News Consumption and Perceptions of Fake News in Science. portal: Libraries and the Academy 19(4), 653-665. doi:10.1353/pla.2019.0040.

Phillips, M., Fosmire, M., Turner, L., Petersheim, K., & Lu, J. (2019) Comparing the Information Needs and Experiences of Undergraduate Students and Practicing Engineers.  Journal of Academic Librarianship 45(1): 39-49.

Douglas, K., Fernandez, T.M., Purzer, S., Fosmire, M., & Van Epps, A.E.  (2018)  The Critical-Thinking Engineering Information Literacy Test (CELT): A Validation Study for Fair Use among Diverse Students.  International Journal of Engineering Education.  34(4): 1347-1362.

Phillips, M., McPherson, P., & Fosmire, M.  (2018)  Standards are Everywhere:  A Freely Available Introductory Online Educational Program on Standardization for Product Development.  Standards Engineering.  70(3): 1-6.

Fosmire, M.  (2017)  “Making Informed Decisions:  The Role of Information in Ethical and Effective Engineering Design.” Theory into Practice 56 (4): 308-317.

Kong, N.N., Fosmire, M., & D. Branch (2017) Developing Library GIS Services for Humanities and Social Science: An Action Research Approach, College and Research Libraries. 78 (4): 413-427. .

Fosmire, M., Johnson, N.E., & Mentzer, N. (2017) Using design journals to uncover information literacy habits of first-year students. 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).

Fosmire, M. (2017). The Next Generation Science Standards and You. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (86).

Mentzer, N. and Fosmire, M. (2015) “Quantifying the Information Habits of High School Students Engaged in Engineering Design,” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER). 5(2): Article 3.

Fosmire, M., & Van Epps, A. S., & Johnson, N. E. (2015, June), “Badging Your Way to Information Literacy” Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23614

Douglas, A., Van Epps, A.S., Mihalec-Adkins, B., Fosmire, M., and Purzer, Ş. (2015)  “A Comparison of Beginning and Advanced Engineering Students’ Description of Information Skills.”  Evidenced-based Library and Information Practice. 10(2): 127-143.

Fosmire, M.  (2014)  “But Do They Care?: Pintrich on Motivation in Learning,”  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.

Fosmire, M.  (2014)  “But, What Are Students REALLY Thinking When They Do Research?”  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.

Wertz, R. E. H., Purzer, Ş., Fosmire, M. J. and Cardella, M. E. (2013), Assessing Information Literacy Skills Demonstrated in an Engineering Design Task. Journal of Engineering Education, 102: 577–602. doi: 10.1002/jee.20024

Fosmire, M.  (2013)  “Cognitive Development and Reflective Judgment in Information Literacy.”  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.

Fosmire, Michael, and David Radcliffe. (2012) “Knowledge-enabled Engineering Design: Toward an Integrated Model.” In Proceedings of the ASEE National Conference. June 9-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX. AC 2012-4705. Named ASEE National Conference, PIC-IV Best Paper.

Fosmire, M.  (2012)  “Information Literacy and Engineering Design: Developing an Integrated Conceptual Model,”  IFLA Journal, 38(1): 47-52.

Carlson, Jacob, Michael Fosmire, C.C. Miller, and Megan Sapp Nelson. (2011) “Determining Data Information Literacy Needs: A Study of Students and Research Faculty.” portal: Libraries and the Academy. 11(2): 629-658. Named LIRT’s Top-20 Library Instruction article; Named ASEE ELD Division Best Paper of 2012.

Kolah, Debra and Michael Fosmire. (2010) “Information Portals: A new tool for teaching information literacy skills.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 60.

Fosmire, Michael. (2010) “Calibrated Peer Review: A new tool to build information literacy skills in writing-intensive large-classroom settings.” portal: Libraries and the Academy. 10(2): 147-163.

Miller, C.C., and Michael Fosmire. (2008) “Creating a Culture of Data Integration and Interoperability: Librarians Collaborate on a Geoinformatics Course,” in Proceedings of the 29th Annual IATUL Conference, April 21-24, 2008. Auckland, New Zealand.

Markey, Karen, Annie Armstrong, Sandy DeGroote, Michael Fosmire, Laura Fuderer, Kelly Garrett, Helen Georgas, Linda Sharp, Cheri Smith, Michael Spaly, and Joni E. Warner. (2005) “Testing the Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia for Library-User Education.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 5(4): 527-544. Named LIRT’s Top 20 Library Instruction Article.

Fosmire, Michael. “Scan It and They Will Come…But Will They Cite It?” (2004) Science and Technology Libraries, 25(1/2): 55-72.

Macklin, Alexius Smith, and Michael Fosmire. (2004) “A Blueprint for Progress: Collaborating with Faculty to Integrate Information Literacy into the Curriculum at Purdue University.” Resource Sharing and Information Networks, 17(1/2): 43-56.

Macklin, Alexius Smith, and Michael Fosmire. (2003) “Real-World Solutions for Real-World Collaboration Problems.” In Integrating Information Literacy into the College Experience: papers presented at the Thirtieth LOEX Library Instruction Conference held in Ypsilanti, Michigan, 10 to 11 May 2002, edited by Julia K. Nims, Randal Baier, Rita Bullard, and Eric Owen, 169-174. Ann Arbor: Pierian Press.

Macklin, Alexius Smith, and Michael Fosmire. (2003) “The LEADER Project.” College and Research Libraries News, 64(3): 192-195.

Fosmire, Michael and Alexius Macklin. (2002) “Riding the Active Learning Wave: Using Problem-Based Learning as a Catalyst for Creating Faculty-Librarian Partnerships.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 34.

Fosmire, Michael. (2001) “Physics Conference Proceedings and the Electronic Environment—An Investigation of New Dissemination Patterns.” Collection Management, 26(1): 25-33.

Fosmire, Michael, and Elizabeth Young. (2000) “Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: What access do college and university libraries provide?” College & Research Libraries, 61(6): 500-508.

Fosmire, Michael, and Elizabeth Young. (2000) “Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: An Annotated Webliography.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 28.

Fosmire, Michael, and Song Yu. (2000) “Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: How Good are They?” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 27.