Institute for Information Literacy

Annual Symposium

The 2024 symposium will highlight innovative research investigating the relationship between information use and different types of identifies. The symposium emphasizes information challenges such as inequitable access to health information, mis/mis-information, conspiracism, etc.

Register here!

Tuesday, April 16
9:00am-4:00pm (EST)

Welcome Address
9:00am – 9:30am
Director of the Institute, Clarence Maybee will intro the Institute and provide an overview of the Information and Democracy: Education, Access, Libraries, and Society (ID:EALS) Symposium.

9:30am – 10:45am
Dr. Megan Threats, “InFormation for Health Justice: Utilizing Intersectionality Theory in (Health) Information Practices Research.”

Research Showcase
11:00am – 12:00pm
Dr. Ellie Sayyad Abdi, “Enhancing Refugees’ Information Experiences.”
Dr. Chelsea Peterson-Salahuddin, “Towards Equitable Information: Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Black and Women of Color’s Information Access and Use.”
Dr. Jessie Loyer, “Collections are Our Relatives: Indigenous Interventions.”

Brief Lunch Break
12:00pm – 12:30pm

SPIRaL Undergraduate Research Program
12:30pm – 1:15pm

Artist Showcase
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Invited artists will discuss their artwork examing cultures and histories of technology and science, as well as challenging the dominant ideologies around bodies and body image in academia and social spaces. Artists will describe their interdisciplinary research approach as they conceptualize, and design art and intermedia focused on these information challenges. The Institute will feature a virtual art exhibition showcasing the artists’ workon our website.

Awards Ceremony
2:30pm – 3:00pm
The Institute for Information Literacy at Purdue (IILP) will announce the recipient of the 2024 Publication Award. Following the announcement, the recipient will give a presentation outlining their research.

Invited Speaker
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Dr. Michael Ann DeVito, “Combating Epistemic Injustice and Securing Sociotechnical Visibility via Algorithmic and Allied Literacies.”