Institute for Information Literacy at Purdue
grant awardees

Institute Funded Research Projects that Examine Complex Information Challenges

ID:EALS SYmposium

Information and Democracy: Education, Access, Libraries, and Society (ID:EALS)

spiral program

Student Partners for Information Research and Literacy (SPIRaL) Undergraduate Research Program

Featured News

Yvonne Eadon and Stacey Wood

2022-24 Seed Grant awardees Yvonne Eadon (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Stacy Wood (University of California, Los Angeles), and their project titled “The Truth is in the Stacks: Searching for Information Literacy in Conspiracy Theory Research Institutions.” 


Syeda Hina Shahid

Syeda Hina Shahid (The University of British Columbia, Canada and University of the Punjab, Pakistan) and Luanne Sinnamon (The University of British Columbia, Canada), who presented their funded research for the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) this past October.


Stephanie Beene and Katie Greer

2022 Seed Grant Awardees Stephanie Beene (University of New Mexico) and Katie Greer (Oakland University) published a new related article, “Library workers on the front lines of conspiracy theories in the US: one nationwide survey.”