Scholarly Communication at Purdue
Scholarly Communication is the process of conducting research and sharing the results: from creation, to dissemination, to preservation of knowledge, for teaching, research, and scholarship. Purdue Libraries, like most academic libraries, has traditionally collected books, journals, and other resources, building collections in support of current and future students, researchers, and scholars. Increasingly, though, Purdue users are in need of additional services relating to scholarly communication, from the beginning of the scholarly communication cycle (for example, data management and data curation) through publishing and dissemination (open access repositories and journals), and Purdue Libraries can assist in these areas. Learn more about Libraries services through the columns below.
The Library Science faculty in the Purdue Libraries participate in a variety of research. Libraries’ faculty engage in collaborative or interdisciplinary research by applying library science to other disciplinary problems, usually as co-PIs on grants. More…
The Library Science faculty in the Purdue Libraries participate in a variety of research. Libraries’ faculty engage in collaborative or interdisciplinary research by applying library science to other disciplinary problems, usually as co-PIs on grants. More…
Purdue University provides varies resources to better prepare its faculty members, students, researchers, community and other academics of scholarly communication issues. More…