Nicole Kong
Associate Dean for Research
AdministrationFaculty Rank: Professor
Liaison Areas: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
ILS 590 GIS Capstone Experience
Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial data discovery, integration, visualization, and management.
Ph.D., Penn State University, 2006
M.S., Peking University, 2001
B.S., Peking University, 1999
• 2021 – Present: Associate Dean for Research, Libraries and School of Information Studies, Purdue University.
• 2023 – Present: Professor in GIS, Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies.
• 2018 – 2023: Associate Professor of Library Science, GIS Specialist, Purdue University.
• 2019 – Present: Courtesy appointment at Honors College, Purdue University.
• 2016 – Present: Courtesy appointment at Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University.
• 2012 – 2018: Assistant Professor of Library Science, GIS Specialist, Purdue University.
Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) Honors Award, 2023. American Library Association (ALA).
Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award, 2020. Esri.
John H. Moriarty Award for Excellence in Library Service, 2020. Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies.
Libraries Excellence in Research Award, 2018. Purdue University Libraries.
Top 20 Articles in Library Instruction, 2018. The Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT), American Library Association.
Purdue Seed for Success Award, 2018. Purdue University.
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2016. Purdue University Libraries.
Director, IndianaView Consortium. 2019 -)
Chair, GeoTech Committee, MAGIRT (Map & Geospatial Information Round Table) at American Library Association. 2015-2019)
Member, Strategic Leadership Group, Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Geoportal project.)
Editorial Board, Journal of Map and Geography Libraries.)
Board of Director, Indiana Geographic Information Council (IGIC), 2016-2019)
Convener, ACRL/DSS, Numeric and Geospatial Data Services DG, 2017-2019)
Organizer, Purdue GIS Day Conference: https://www.lib.purdue.edu/gis/gisday, 2014 - present)
Member, GeoHumanities, 2014-present)
Member, OpenGeoportal workgroup, 2013-present)
Warner, C., Wu, F., Gazo R.*, Benes, B., Kong, N., Fei, S. (2024). CentralBark Image Dataset and Tree Species Classification using Deep Learning. Algorithms.
Wang, S., Kong, N., Gao, Y. (2024). Use Mobile Location Data to Infer Airport Catchment Areas and Calibrate Huff Gravity Model in the New York Metropolitan Area. Journal of Transport Geography, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2023.103790
Lang, A. K., LaRue, E. A., Kivlin, S. N., Edwards, J. D., Phillips, R. P., Gallion, J., Kong, N., et al. 2023. Forest Structural Diversity is Linked to Soil Microbial Diversity. Ecosphere, 14(11): e4702. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4702
LaRue, E.A., Knott, J., Domke, G. Chen, H., Guo, Q., Hisano, M., Oswalt, C., Oswalt, S., Kong, N., Potter, K., Fei, S. (2023). Structural Diversity as a Reliable and Novel Predictor of Productivity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21(1): 33-39. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2586
Gerrish, T., & Kong, N. (2022). Spatiotemporal Distribution Change of Online Reference During the Time of Covid-19. Information Technology and Libraries, 41(4). https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v41i4.15097
Wagner, R., Bellisario, K., Kong, N. (2022). Change in Doctoral Dissertation Topics in Forest Resources from U.S. Universities over Four Decades. Forest Science. https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxac004
Johnson, C.S., Sdunzik, J., Kong, N. (2021). Spatializing Race, Understanding History: A Case Study of a Professional Development Experience Centered on African American History and Culture. The History Teacher, 55(1): 11-33.
Schulze, D., Rahman, S., Fulk-Bringman, S., Minai, J., Johnson, C., Steinhardt, G., Scott, J., Kong, N., Li, Y., Mashtare, M. Jr. (2021). Virtualizing Soil Science Field Trips. Natural Sciences Education. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20046
Johnson, C.S., Sdunzik, J., Bynum, C., Kong, N., Qin, X. (2021). Learning about Culture Together: Enhancing Educators Cultural Competence through Collaborative Teacher Study Groups. Professional Development in Education, 47(1): 177-190. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2019.1696873
Li, Y., Kong, N., Hum, K. (2021). Indoor GIS Solution for Space Use Assessment. Papers in Applied Geography, 7(1): 104-116. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/23754931.2020.1843526
Sapp Nelson, M., Kong, N. (2020). Capturing Their “First” Dataset: A Graduate Course to Walk PhD Students through the Curation of Their Dissertation Data. IASSIST Quarterly, 44(3), 1-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/iq971
Lindsay, I., Kong, N. (2020). Using Collector for ArcGIS Mobile App for Settlement Survey Data Collection in Armenia. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 8(4): 322-336. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/aap.2020.26
Kong, N. (2018). One store has all? – The backend story of managing geospatial information toward an easy discovery. IASSIST Quarterly, 42 (4), 1-14. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/iq927
Li, Y., Kong, N., Pejsa, S. (2017). Designing the Cyberinfrastructure for Spatial Data Curation, Visualization, and Sharing. IASSIST Quarterly, 41 (1-4), 1-15. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/iq11
Kong, N., Bynum, C., Johnson, C., Sdunzik, J., Qin, X. (2017). Spatial Information Literacy for Digital Humanities: The case study of leveraging geospatial information for African American history education. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 24(2-4): 376-392. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10691316.2017.1329044
Powell, S., Kong, N. (2017). Beyond the One-Shot: Intensive Workshops as a Platform for Engaging the Library in Digital Humanities. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 24(2-4): 516-531. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10691316.2017.1336955
Kong, N., Fosmire, M., Branch, B.D. (2017). Developing library GIS services for humanities and social science: an action research approach. College & Research Libraries, 78(4): 413-427. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5860/crl.78.4.413.
Dossin, C., Kong, N., Joyeux-Prunel, B.(2017) Applying VGI to collaborative research in the humanities: the case of ARTL@ S. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 44(6): 521-538. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2016.1216804
Nunez‐Mir, G. C., Iannone, B. V., Pijanowski, B. C., Kong, N., & Fei, S. (2016). Automated content analysis: addressing the big literature challenge in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(11):1262-1272. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12602
Kong, N., Li, Q., Sangwan, N., Matei, S., Kulzick, R., Ariyur, K. (2016). An interdisciplinary approach for water sustainability study. Papers in Applied Geography, 2(2): 189-200. doi: 10.1080/23754931.2015.1116106.
Kong, N. (2015). Exploring the best management practices for geospatial data in academic libraries. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries, 11(2): 207-225.
Kong, N., Zhang, T., Stonebraker, I. (2015). Evaluation of web GIS functionality in academic libraries. Applied Geography, 60:288-293.
Kong, N., Zhang, T., Stonebraker, I. (2014). Common metrics for web-based mapping applications in academic libraries. Online Information Review, 38(7): 918-935.
Liang, L., Clark, J. T., Kong, N., Rieske, L. K., & Fei, S. (2014). Spatial analysis facilitates invasive species risk assessment. Forest Ecology and Management, 315, 22-29.
Fei, S. and Kong, N. (2013). Remote Sensing Helps Protect Hemlock in an Invasion Crisis. In R. Dodge eds. Meeting Environmental Challenges with Earth Observations Imagery. AGI International Press.
Fei, S., Kong, N., Steiner, K.C., Moser W.K., Steiner, E.B. (2011). Change in Oak Abundance in the Eastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management.
Fei, S., Kong, N., Clark, J., and Shouse, M. (2010). Mapping and Modelling Species Distribution to Combat Invasive Exotic Plant Species. In J. Wu and F. Li eds. ISOME-V.
Kong, N., Fei, S., Rieske-Kinney, L., and Obrycki, J. (2008). Mapping hemlock forests in Harlan County, Kentucky. In proceedings of the 6th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS Conference (2008). 107-117.
Fei, S., Kong, N., Stringer, J., and Bowker, D. (2008). Chapter 4: Invasion Pattern of Exotic Plants in Forest Ecosystems. In: Kohli, R.K., H.P. Singh, S. Jose, and D.R. Batish (eds.). Invasive plants and forest ecosystems. Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Myers, W., Kong, N., and Patil, G.P. (2005). Topological approaches to terrain in ecological landscape mapping. Community ecology, 6(2):191-201.
Faculty Rank: Professor
Liaison Areas: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
ILS 590 GIS Capstone Experience
Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial data discovery, integration, visualization, and management.
Ph.D., Penn State University, 2006
M.S., Peking University, 2001
B.S., Peking University, 1999
• 2021 – Present: Associate Dean for Research, Libraries and School of Information Studies, Purdue University.
• 2023 – Present: Professor in GIS, Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies.
• 2018 – 2023: Associate Professor of Library Science, GIS Specialist, Purdue University.
• 2019 – Present: Courtesy appointment at Honors College, Purdue University.
• 2016 – Present: Courtesy appointment at Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University.
• 2012 – 2018: Assistant Professor of Library Science, GIS Specialist, Purdue University.
Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) Honors Award, 2023. American Library Association (ALA).
Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award, 2020. Esri.
John H. Moriarty Award for Excellence in Library Service, 2020. Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies.
Libraries Excellence in Research Award, 2018. Purdue University Libraries.
Top 20 Articles in Library Instruction, 2018. The Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT), American Library Association.
Purdue Seed for Success Award, 2018. Purdue University.
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2016. Purdue University Libraries.
Director, IndianaView Consortium. 2019 -)
Chair, GeoTech Committee, MAGIRT (Map & Geospatial Information Round Table) at American Library Association. 2015-2019)
Member, Strategic Leadership Group, Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Geoportal project.)
Editorial Board, Journal of Map and Geography Libraries.)
Board of Director, Indiana Geographic Information Council (IGIC), 2016-2019)
Convener, ACRL/DSS, Numeric and Geospatial Data Services DG, 2017-2019)
Organizer, Purdue GIS Day Conference: https://www.lib.purdue.edu/gis/gisday, 2014 - present)
Member, GeoHumanities, 2014-present)
Member, OpenGeoportal workgroup, 2013-present)
Warner, C., Wu, F., Gazo R.*, Benes, B., Kong, N., Fei, S. (2024). CentralBark Image Dataset and Tree Species Classification using Deep Learning. Algorithms.
Wang, S., Kong, N., Gao, Y. (2024). Use Mobile Location Data to Infer Airport Catchment Areas and Calibrate Huff Gravity Model in the New York Metropolitan Area. Journal of Transport Geography, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2023.103790
Lang, A. K., LaRue, E. A., Kivlin, S. N., Edwards, J. D., Phillips, R. P., Gallion, J., Kong, N., et al. 2023. Forest Structural Diversity is Linked to Soil Microbial Diversity. Ecosphere, 14(11): e4702. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4702
LaRue, E.A., Knott, J., Domke, G. Chen, H., Guo, Q., Hisano, M., Oswalt, C., Oswalt, S., Kong, N., Potter, K., Fei, S. (2023). Structural Diversity as a Reliable and Novel Predictor of Productivity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21(1): 33-39. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2586
Gerrish, T., & Kong, N. (2022). Spatiotemporal Distribution Change of Online Reference During the Time of Covid-19. Information Technology and Libraries, 41(4). https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v41i4.15097
Wagner, R., Bellisario, K., Kong, N. (2022). Change in Doctoral Dissertation Topics in Forest Resources from U.S. Universities over Four Decades. Forest Science. https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxac004
Johnson, C.S., Sdunzik, J., Kong, N. (2021). Spatializing Race, Understanding History: A Case Study of a Professional Development Experience Centered on African American History and Culture. The History Teacher, 55(1): 11-33.
Schulze, D., Rahman, S., Fulk-Bringman, S., Minai, J., Johnson, C., Steinhardt, G., Scott, J., Kong, N., Li, Y., Mashtare, M. Jr. (2021). Virtualizing Soil Science Field Trips. Natural Sciences Education. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20046
Johnson, C.S., Sdunzik, J., Bynum, C., Kong, N., Qin, X. (2021). Learning about Culture Together: Enhancing Educators Cultural Competence through Collaborative Teacher Study Groups. Professional Development in Education, 47(1): 177-190. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2019.1696873
Li, Y., Kong, N., Hum, K. (2021). Indoor GIS Solution for Space Use Assessment. Papers in Applied Geography, 7(1): 104-116. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/23754931.2020.1843526
Sapp Nelson, M., Kong, N. (2020). Capturing Their “First” Dataset: A Graduate Course to Walk PhD Students through the Curation of Their Dissertation Data. IASSIST Quarterly, 44(3), 1-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/iq971
Lindsay, I., Kong, N. (2020). Using Collector for ArcGIS Mobile App for Settlement Survey Data Collection in Armenia. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 8(4): 322-336. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/aap.2020.26
Kong, N. (2018). One store has all? – The backend story of managing geospatial information toward an easy discovery. IASSIST Quarterly, 42 (4), 1-14. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/iq927
Li, Y., Kong, N., Pejsa, S. (2017). Designing the Cyberinfrastructure for Spatial Data Curation, Visualization, and Sharing. IASSIST Quarterly, 41 (1-4), 1-15. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/iq11
Kong, N., Bynum, C., Johnson, C., Sdunzik, J., Qin, X. (2017). Spatial Information Literacy for Digital Humanities: The case study of leveraging geospatial information for African American history education. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 24(2-4): 376-392. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10691316.2017.1329044
Powell, S., Kong, N. (2017). Beyond the One-Shot: Intensive Workshops as a Platform for Engaging the Library in Digital Humanities. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 24(2-4): 516-531. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10691316.2017.1336955
Kong, N., Fosmire, M., Branch, B.D. (2017). Developing library GIS services for humanities and social science: an action research approach. College & Research Libraries, 78(4): 413-427. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5860/crl.78.4.413.
Dossin, C., Kong, N., Joyeux-Prunel, B.(2017) Applying VGI to collaborative research in the humanities: the case of ARTL@ S. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 44(6): 521-538. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2016.1216804
Nunez‐Mir, G. C., Iannone, B. V., Pijanowski, B. C., Kong, N., & Fei, S. (2016). Automated content analysis: addressing the big literature challenge in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(11):1262-1272. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12602
Kong, N., Li, Q., Sangwan, N., Matei, S., Kulzick, R., Ariyur, K. (2016). An interdisciplinary approach for water sustainability study. Papers in Applied Geography, 2(2): 189-200. doi: 10.1080/23754931.2015.1116106.
Kong, N. (2015). Exploring the best management practices for geospatial data in academic libraries. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries, 11(2): 207-225.
Kong, N., Zhang, T., Stonebraker, I. (2015). Evaluation of web GIS functionality in academic libraries. Applied Geography, 60:288-293.
Kong, N., Zhang, T., Stonebraker, I. (2014). Common metrics for web-based mapping applications in academic libraries. Online Information Review, 38(7): 918-935.
Liang, L., Clark, J. T., Kong, N., Rieske, L. K., & Fei, S. (2014). Spatial analysis facilitates invasive species risk assessment. Forest Ecology and Management, 315, 22-29.
Fei, S. and Kong, N. (2013). Remote Sensing Helps Protect Hemlock in an Invasion Crisis. In R. Dodge eds. Meeting Environmental Challenges with Earth Observations Imagery. AGI International Press.
Fei, S., Kong, N., Steiner, K.C., Moser W.K., Steiner, E.B. (2011). Change in Oak Abundance in the Eastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management.
Fei, S., Kong, N., Clark, J., and Shouse, M. (2010). Mapping and Modelling Species Distribution to Combat Invasive Exotic Plant Species. In J. Wu and F. Li eds. ISOME-V.
Kong, N., Fei, S., Rieske-Kinney, L., and Obrycki, J. (2008). Mapping hemlock forests in Harlan County, Kentucky. In proceedings of the 6th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS Conference (2008). 107-117.
Fei, S., Kong, N., Stringer, J., and Bowker, D. (2008). Chapter 4: Invasion Pattern of Exotic Plants in Forest Ecosystems. In: Kohli, R.K., H.P. Singh, S. Jose, and D.R. Batish (eds.). Invasive plants and forest ecosystems. Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Myers, W., Kong, N., and Patil, G.P. (2005). Topological approaches to terrain in ecological landscape mapping. Community ecology, 6(2):191-201.