Libraries Alumni

Student Name Library/Unit Worked  College/School Major 
Priya Aloor Library of Engineering and Science  College of Science Computer Science
Camille Bereolos Archives and Special Collections Krannert School of Management  Economics
Brittany Bloomfield  Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Library  College of Health and Human Sciences Brain and Behavioral Science
Phuong Bui Hicks Undergraduate Library  College of Engineering  Chemical Engineering
Melanie Clayton Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Library  College of Science Neurobiology and Physiology
Megan Garrett Archives and Special Collections College of Liberal Arts History
Catherine Gilhooly Purdue University Press Honors College, College of Liberal Arts English Literature and Professional Writing
Korbin Hensley Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics Daniels School of Business  Industrial Management-Data Aanlytics
Carson Howk Mathematical Sciences Library  Purdue Polytechnic Institute Professional Flight Technology 
Meric  Karaoğuz Library of Engineering and Science  College of Health and Human Sciences Brain and Behavioral Science
Renee Kohlmeier Veterninary Medical Library  College of Health and Human Sciences Speech Language and Human Sciences
Raven Kurtz  Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Library  College of Liberal Arts Studio Arts and Technology
Frederick Lipscomb Hicks Undergraduate Library  College of Liberal Arts Anthropology
Alyssa Lyman  Library of Engineering and Science  College of Liberal Arts Digital Criminology 
Evely Moreno  Print Repositorires College of Liberal Arts Spanish
Joseph Pacilio Mathematical Sciences Library  College of Engineering  Mechanical Engineering Technology
Brant Plowman Library of Engineering and Science  College of Engineering  Construction Engineering and Management
Christopher Shr Hicks Undergraduate Library  College of Engineering  Biomedical Engineering
Destiny Stockton Aviation Technology Library Purdue Polytechnic Institute Professional Flight Technology 
Sabryna Velez Print Repositorires Purdue Polytechnic Institute Web Programming and Design
Katelynn Webb Interlibrary Loan  College of Health and Human Sciences Pyschological Sciences
Student Name: Sophia Aguirre
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Hasun Choi
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics/Statistics
Student Name: Chyna Davis
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Cellular, Molecular and Development Biology
Student Name: David Faris
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Jacob Habegger
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Argiculture
Major: Horticulture
Student Name: Bailey Hahn
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Science and Engineering
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Sociology
Student Name: Alivia Jachimiak
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Sarah Jackson
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Kirsten Kendig
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: Michael Lewis
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economic
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: Chun-Yi Lo
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Siddhant Mehta
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management Technology
Student Name: Carly Mendenhall
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Matthew Moreno
Library/Unit Worked: Libraires Facilties
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Michael Ogawa
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Student Name: David Ojewole
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Student Name: Brittany Poholarz
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Olivia Quarrier
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communications
Student Name: Adriana Rotger
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Student Name: Asia Salazar
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Student Name: Jonael Semexant
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management
Student Name: Charles Sims
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aeronautical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Brandon Smid
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Cybersecurity, Network Engineering Technology, Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Isabelle Titus
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Education
Student Name: Jake Tockerman
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Taylor Vaughn
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Health and Human Sciences
Student Name: Sawyer Winfield
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Jacob Wilson
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Amy Worley-Peterson
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Student Name: Sherry Zhang
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Sophia AguirreRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementAccounting
Hasun ChoiLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of ScienceMathematics/Statistics
Chyna DavisAviation Technology LibraryCollege of ScienceCellular, Molecular and Development Biology
David FarisAviation Technology LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteAviation Management
Jacob HabeggerLibraries FacilitiesCollege of ArgicultureHorticulture
Bailey HahnLibrary of Science and EngineeringCollege of Liberal ArtsSociology
Alivia JachimiakRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of ScienceBiology
Sarah JacksonLibraries ITCollege of Health and Human SciencesBrain and Behavioral Sciences
Kirsten KendigRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementFinance
Michael LewisRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicKrannert School of ManagementFinance
Chun-Yi LoLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Siddhant MehtaArchives and Special CollectionsPurdue Polytechnic InstituteConstruction Management Technology
Carly MendenhallLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Matthew MorenoLibraires FaciltiesCollege of EngineeringIndustrial Engineering
Michael OgawaHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of EngineeringAeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
David OjewoleRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of PharmacyPharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Brittany PoholarzRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementAccounting
Olivia QuarrierHicks RepositoryCollege of Liberal ArtsPublic Relations and Strategic Communications
Adriana RotgerArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of EngineeringBiomedical Engineering
Asia SalazarRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of AgricultureNatural Resources and Environmental Science
Jonael SemexantRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementIndustrial Management
Charles SimsAviation Technology LibraryCollege of EngineeringAeronautical Engineering Technology
Brandon SmidLibraries ITPurdue Polytechnic InstituteCybersecurity, Network Engineering Technology, Computer and Information Technology
Isabelle TitusInterlibrary LoanCollege of AgricultureAgricultural Education
Jake TockermanLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Taylor VaughnRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health and Human SciencesHealth and Human Sciences
Sawyer WinfieldLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringEnvironmental and Ecological Engineering
Jacob WilsonLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringChemical Engineering
Amy Worley-PetersonArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of AgricultureNatural Resources and Environmental Science
Sherry ZhangLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Health and Human SciencesBrain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Pranav Adiga
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Brady Anderson
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: College of Science
Major: Health and Disease
Student Name: Sarah Arnold
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Developmental and Family Sciences
Student Name: Desirée Clark
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Classical Studies
Student Name: Tyler Davis
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Farm Management
Student Name: Chasidy Dean
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Virtual Product Integration
Web Programming and Design
Student Name: Erika Deming
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Ethan Edwards
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: Monica Flores
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: John Foster
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Kevin Gao
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy
Student Name: Katherine Griffin
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Alex Griffin-Little
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History / Political Science / Women’s Studies
Student Name: April Grotberg
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Linguistics (PhD)
Student Name: Kayla Hawthorne
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Health
Student Name: Jacob Hobson
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Reed Hudson
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Ryan Huff
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Celine Keissieh
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Pattie Linton
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling and Planning
Student Name: Julia Pacilio
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Sciences
Student Name: Manoj Penmetcha
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology, Robotics (PhD)
Student Name: Teanna Pounds
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Luke Richey
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology
Student Name: Candi Salla
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Visual Communication Design
Student Name: Rachel Small
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology / General Communication
Student Name: Jamie Sowders
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Sciences
Student Name: Mary Stellato
Library/Unit Worked: Office of Undergraduate Research
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Visual Communication Design
Student Name: Jack Stickney
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Savanna Stuteville
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Alexis Terry
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Animation
Student Name: Kayla Trowbridge
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology / Classical Studies
Student Name: Tabitha Wyant
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Forestry
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Pranav AdigaResearch DataCollege of EngineeringElectrical and Computer Engineering
Brady AndersonLibraries ITCollege of ScienceHealth and Disease
Sarah ArnoldHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesBrain and Behavioral Sciences
Developmental and Family Sciences
Desirée ClarkArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsClassical Studies
Tyler DavisLibraries Facilities
Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College of AgricultureFarm Management
Chasidy DeanDigital ProgramsPurdue Polytechnic InstituteVirtual Product Integration
Web Programming and Design
Erika DemingHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesBrain and Behavioral Sciences
Ethan EdwardsPurdue University PressCollege of EngineeringCivil Engineering
Monica FloresRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementFinance
John FosterHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Kevin GaoLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of PharmacyPharmacy
Katherine GriffinHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesSelling and Sales Management
Alex Griffin-LittleArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory / Political Science / Women’s Studies
April GrotbergLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Liberal ArtsLinguistics (PhD)
Kayla HawthorneArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Health and Human Sciences
College of Liberal Arts
Public Health
Jacob HobsonHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteMechanical Engineering Technology
Reed HudsonVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychological Sciences
Ryan HuffLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Celine KeissiehMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesSpeech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Pattie LintonRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health and Human SciencesFinancial Counseling and Planning
Julia PacilioMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of AgricultureAnimal Sciences
Manoj PenmetchaLibraries ITPurdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer and Information Technology, Robotics (PhD)
Teanna PoundsHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesSpeech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Luke RicheyLibraries ITCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology
Candi SallaHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsVisual Communication Design
Rachel SmallArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology / General Communication
Jamie SowdersLibraries FacilitiesCollege of AgricultureAnimal Sciences
Mary StellatoOffice of Undergraduate ResearchCollege of Liberal ArtsVisual Communication Design
Jack StickneyLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Savanna StutevilleAviation Technology LibraryCollege of TechnologyAviation Management
Alexis TerryHicks Undergraduate LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteAnimation
Kayla TrowbridgeArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology / Classical Studies
Tabitha WyantArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of AgricultureForestry
Student Name: Selena Amador
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Amelia Amrhein
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Japanese and Spanish
Student Name: Jasmine Anguiano
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Pathology, MS
Student Name: Ryana Backe
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Unique Beaver
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Mass Communication
Student Name: Ciara Bradburn
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Wildlife
Student Name: Johanna Carroll
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Elizabeth Coats
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
Office of Undergraduate Research
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Business Management
Student Name: Olivia Crouse
Library/Unit Worked: Office of Undergraduate Research
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Krannert School of Management
Major: Public Relations & Strategic Communication Marketing
Student Name: Iveindigo Djianto
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Robotics Engineering Technology & Mechatronics Engineering Technology
Student Name: Clarissa Fields
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Game Development & Design, Animation, Web Development
Student Name: Evan Francis
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Economics
Student Name: Trusha Gavankar
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: Bridget Gittemeier
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Human Services
Student Name: Samuel Goodhart
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Virtual Product Integration [Computer Graphics Technology]
Student Name: Duncan Houpt
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Hanna King
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Health Sciences Pre-Professional
Student Name: Elizabeth Kriebel
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology, Classical Studies
Student Name: Shelby Ladd
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English Literature
Student Name: Bethany Laffoon
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Sarah Lightner
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Agriculture
College of Liberal Arts
Major: Environmental Science
Student Name: Jessica Mah
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Neurobiology and Physiology
Student Name: Rohit Mallick
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Emmanda McKenzie
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Zachariah Menzie
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Graphics
Student Name: Caitlyn Nickens
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Animation and Building Information Modeling
Student Name: Victoria Oldson
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Jyothsna Padmakumar Bindu
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Engineering Technology
Student Name: Virginia Pleasant
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Ph.D., American Studies
Student Name: Nicole Ruiz-Daquin
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Peter Scott
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Alyssa Seeman
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology, Classical Studies
Student Name: Emma Strohacker
Library/Unit Worked: Strategic Communication
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Marley Suda
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Interdisciplinary Science – Focus in EAPS
Student Name: Veera Vyas
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Krannert School of Management
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Tiffany Wang
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Isabel Weatherhead
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Pre-Professional Health Sciences
Student Name: Lydia Wessel
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management
Student Name: Marilyn Wood
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Selena AmadorHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychological Sciences
Amelia AmrheinHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsJapanese and Spanish
Jasmine AnguianoArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Health and Human SciencesSpeech Language Pathology, MS
Ryana BackeRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory
Unique BeaverLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Liberal ArtsMass Communication
Ciara BradburnArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of AgricultureWildlife
Johanna CarrollVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of ScienceMathematics
Elizabeth CoatsPurdue University Press
Office of Undergraduate Research
Krannert School of ManagementBusiness Management
Olivia CrouseOffice of Undergraduate ResearchCollege of Liberal Arts
Krannert School of Management
Public Relations & Strategic Communication Marketing
Iveindigo DjiantoHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteRobotics Engineering Technology & Mechatronics Engineering Technology
Clarissa FieldsHicks RepositoryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteGame Development & Design, Animation, Web Development
Evan FrancisPurdue Libraries FacilitiesCollege of AgricultureAgricultural Economics
Trusha GavankarHicks RepositoryCollege of EngineeringCivil Engineering
Bridget GittemeierVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesHuman Services
Samuel GoodhartPurdue Libraries FacilitiesPurdue Polytechnic InstituteVirtual Product Integration [Computer Graphics Technology]
Duncan HouptVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Hanna KingLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Health and Human SciencesHealth Sciences Pre-Professional
Elizabeth KriebelArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology, Classical Studies
Shelby LaddHicks RepositoryCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglish Literature
Bethany LaffoonHicks RepositoryCollege of AgricultureAnimal Science
Sarah LightnerLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Agriculture
College of Liberal Arts
Environmental Science
Jessica MahRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of ScienceNeurobiology and Physiology
Rohit MallickHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesBrain and Behavioral Sciences
Emmanda McKenzieHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of ScienceBiology
Zachariah MenziePurdue Libraries FacilitiesCollege of ScienceComputer Graphics
Caitlyn NickensHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteAnimation and Building Information Modeling
Victoria OldsonMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Jyothsna Padmakumar BinduResearch DataPurdue Polytechnic InstituteEngineering Technology
Virginia PleasantArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsPh.D., American Studies
Nicole Ruiz-DaquinInterlibrary LoanKrannert School of ManagementAccounting
Peter ScottHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Alyssa SeemanHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology, Classical Studies
Emma StrohackerStrategic CommunicationCollege of Health and Human SciencesSelling and Sales Management
Marley SudaRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of ScienceInterdisciplinary Science – Focus in EAPS
Veera VyasLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Science
Krannert School of Management
Tiffany WangHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of ScienceMathematics
Isabel WeatherheadInterlibrary LoanCollege of Health and Human SciencesPre-Professional Health Sciences
Lydia WesselInterlibrary LoanKrannert School of ManagementManagement
Marilyn WoodHumanities, Social Sciences, and Education LibraryCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Student Name: Verrick Brownlee
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing
Student Name: Madison Byarley
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Diego Cabrales
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Rebekah Cho
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Linguistics
Student Name: Matthew Dale
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science and Education Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing and Business Management
Student Name: Levi De Moya
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Kathryn Folkening
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Student Name: Schuyler Frashier
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science and Education Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management
Student Name: Alexandru Gavrila
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs (IT)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Alec Graff
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Health Sciences, Pre-Professional
Student Name: Joshua Groh
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance, Management
Student Name: Abigail Herrold
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Evan Kinnevan
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Adam Kunkel
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Brandon Lach
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Frank Lagoe
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Science
Major: Applied Statistics
Student Name: Molly Lynch
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Student Name: Kalyan Mada
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Alan Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management
Student Name: Taylor Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Interdisciplinary Agriculture
Student Name: Sarah Merryman
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Professional Writing
Student Name: Kiley Mette
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: Katherine Montgomery
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology
Student Name: Brenae Newhard
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Comparative Literature
Student Name: Abagail Osborn
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Celestina Pacilio
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Student Name: Jacob Portwood
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Science
Major: Neurobiology & Physiology
Student Name: Rachel Pudell
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Student Name: Treann Quick
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Jonathan Reitz
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Chloe Richard
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Systems Management
Student Name: Carly Richards
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Biological Engineering
Student Name: Alexus Salazar
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Creative Writing and Professional Writing
Student Name: Corey Sayles
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Systems Management
Student Name: Tyler Self
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs (IT)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Ethan Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Nikhil Soni
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press [e-Pubs]
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Taylor Springer
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science/Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Sciences, minor Biological Sciences
Student Name: Evalyn Stow
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology Honors
Student Name: Nicole Szumigalski
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Tatum Theaman
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History Honors and Anthropology
Student Name: Madison Whitney
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Actuarial Science
Student Name: Chuck Witt
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Verrick BrownleeLibrary of Engineering and ScienceKrannert School of ManagementMarketing
Madison ByarleyInterlibrary LoanCollege of Liberal ArtsPolitical Science
Diego CabralesLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringChemical Engineering
Rebekah ChoLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Liberal ArtsLinguistics
Matthew DaleHumanities, Social Science and Education LibraryKrannert School of ManagementMarketing and Business Management
Levi De MoyaRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychology
Kathryn FolkeningLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Health and Human SciencesHospitality and Tourism Management
Schuyler FrashierHumanities, Social Science and Education LibraryKrannert School of ManagementManagement
Alexandru GavrilaInstruction and Digital Programs (IT)College of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Alec GraffArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Health and Human SciencesHealth Sciences, Pre-Professional
Joshua GrohAviation Technology LibraryKrannert School of ManagementFinance, Management
Abigail HerroldLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychology
Evan KinnevanAviation Technology LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteMechanical Engineering Technology
Adam KunkelMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsPolitical Science
Brandon LachLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringIndustrial Engineering
Frank LagoeDigital ProgramsCollege of ScienceApplied Statistics
Molly LynchArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Health and Human SciencesFamily and Consumer Sciences Education
Kalyan MadaLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Alan MartinVeterinary Medical LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteConstruction Management
Taylor MartinVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of AgricultureInterdisciplinary Agriculture
Sarah MerrymanPurdue University PressCollege of Liberal ArtsProfessional Writing
Kiley MetteVeterinary Medical LibraryKrannert School of ManagementFinance
Katherine MontgomeryHicks RepositoryCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology
Brenae NewhardHicks RepositoryCollege of Liberal ArtsComparative Literature
Abagail OsbornDigital ProgramsCollege of EngineeringEnvironmental and Ecological Engineering
Celestina PacilioMathematical Sciences LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteMechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Jacob PortwoodPurdue Libraries FacilitiesCollege of ScienceNeurobiology & Physiology
Rachel PudellVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesHuman Development and Family Studies
Treann QuickRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of EngineeringEnvironmental and Ecological Engineering
Jonathan ReitzLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Chloe RichardLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of AgricultureAgricultural Systems Management
Carly RichardsHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of EngineeringBiological Engineering
Alexus SalazarRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Liberal ArtsCreative Writing and Professional Writing
Corey SaylesLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of AgricultureAgricultural Systems Management
Tyler SelfInstruction and Digital Programs (IT)College of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Ethan SmithLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringChemical Engineering
Nikhil SoniPurdue University Press [e-Pubs]College of EngineeringIndustrial Engineering
Taylor SpringerLibrary of Engineering and Science/Aviation Technology LibraryCollege of AgricultureAnimal Sciences, minor Biological Sciences
Evalyn StowArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology Honors
Nicole SzumigalskiHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of EngineeringChemical Engineering
Tatum TheamanArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory Honors and Anthropology
Madison WhitneyLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of ScienceActuarial Science
Chuck WittRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsPurdue Polytechnic InstituteElectrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Student Name: Brian Alberts
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Cristian Alvarado
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing, Management
Student Name: Bryant Bechtold
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Caitlyn Bennett
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Education
Student Name: Erin Biesterveld
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Accelerated Nursing
Student Name: Avanthi Boopalan
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Master of Business Administration
Student Name: Amanda Burdick
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech-Language Pathology
Student Name: Cameron Burford
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Electrical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Breanna Carr
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Education
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Student Name: Destiny Clements
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Global Studies minor
Student Name: Aimee Cooper
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Adam (AJ) Farmer
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Nutrition Science
Student Name: Alexis Fernandes
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Anthony Goeckner
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Santiago Grandlienard
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction & Digital Programs Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
Scholarly Publish Division
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Visual Communication Design
Student Name: Erin Hamilton
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Student Name: Jonathan Hathaway
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Education
Major: School Counseling
Student Name: Leigha Hathaway
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Student Name: Grant Ingamells
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Student Name: Jason Kemna
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management
Student Name: David Kim
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy
Student Name: Matthew Kroll
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies – Philosophy and Literature
Student Name: Christopher Kulesza
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Aaron Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Adam Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Student Name: Veronica Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Nicholas Morgan
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science, AVTE
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Professional Flight Technology
Student Name: Pranjal Kiranrao Naik
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Jordan Petty
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Serena Potter
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Science
Major: Interdisciplinary Science, History minor
Student Name: Tyler Richards
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Supply Chain Information and Analytics
Student Name: Kathryn Roesel
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Lashta Saber
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management
Student Name: Jessica Schutz
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Education
Major: Social Studies Education
Student Name: Sneha Sharma
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Product Management masters
Student Name: Jenny Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: The Graduate School
College of Education
Major: School Counseling
Student Name: Julia Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Strategic Communication
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Theory and Cultural Studies
Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Student Name: Harold Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Nathaniel Soller
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction & Digital Programs Services
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Electrical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Curtis Teter
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Victoria (Tori) Toren
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Health Science: Pre-Professional Occupational Therapy
Student Name: Tatiana Utreras
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Elise Witham
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Michelle Zhang
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology
Student Name: Le Zhang
Library/Unit Worked: Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Brian AlbertsGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)College of Liberal ArtsHistory
Cristian AlvaradoLibrary of Engineering and ScienceKrannert School of ManagementMarketing, Management
Bryant BechtoldUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)Purdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer Graphics Technology
Caitlyn BennettVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege AgricultureAgricultural Education
Erin BiesterveldHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Health & Human SciencesAccelerated Nursing
Avanthi BoopalanRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementMaster of Business Administration
Amanda BurdickArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Health & Human SciencesSpeech-Language Pathology
Cameron BurfordRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsPurdue Polytechnic InstituteElectrical Engineering Technology
Breanna CarrDigital ProgramsCollege of EducationCurriculum and Instruction
Destiny ClementsUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of Liberal ArtsLaw and Society
Global Studies minor
Aimee CooperLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of EngineeringEnvironmental and Ecological Engineering
Adam (AJ) FarmerMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesNutrition Science
Alexis FernandesVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesNursing
Anthony GoecknerHicks Undergraduate Library
Library of Engineering and Science
College of ScienceComputer Science
Santiago GrandlienardInstruction & Digital Programs Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
Scholarly Publish Division
College of Liberal ArtsVisual Communication Design
Erin HamiltonArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Health & Human SciencesHospitality and Tourism Management
Jonathan HathawayArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of EducationSchool Counseling
Leigha HathawayHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsWomen’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Grant IngamellsMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of EngineeringBiomedical Engineering
Jason KemnaVeterinary Medical LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteConstruction Management
David KimRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of PharmacyPharmacy
Matthew KrollResearch DataCollege of Liberal ArtsInterdisciplinary Studies – Philosophy and Literature
Christopher KuleszaGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)College of Liberal ArtsPolitical Science
Aaron MillerMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Adam MillerMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of EngineeringMaterials Science and Engineering
Veronica MillerHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EducationElementary Education
Nicholas MorganLibrary of Engineering and Science, AVTEPurdue Polytechnic InstituteProfessional Flight Technology
Pranjal Kiranrao NaikHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Jordan PettyLibrary of Engineering and SciencePurdue Polytechnic InstituteMechanical Engineering Technology
Serena PotterArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of ScienceInterdisciplinary Science, History minor
Tyler RichardsLibrary of Engineering and ScienceKrannert School of ManagementSupply Chain Information and Analytics
Kathryn RoeselDigital ProgramsCollege of Health & Human SciencesSpeech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Lashta SaberLibrary of Engineering and SciencePurdue Polytechnic InstituteConstruction Management
Jessica SchutzArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of EducationSocial Studies Education
Sneha SharmaRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementProduct Management masters
Jenny SmithHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)The Graduate School
College of Education
School Counseling
Julia SmithStrategic CommunicationCollege of Liberal ArtsTheory and Cultural Studies
Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Harold SmithLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Nathaniel SollerInstruction & Digital Programs ServicesPurdue Polytechnic InstituteElectrical Engineering Technology
Curtis TeterDigital ProgramsPurdue Polytechnic InstituteMechanical Engineering Technology
Victoria (Tori) TorenLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Health & Human SciencesHealth Science: Pre-Professional Occupational Therapy
Tatiana UtrerasHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsLaw and Society
Elise WithamLibrary of Engineering and ScienceCollege of Health & Human SciencesNursing
Michelle ZhangArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology
Le ZhangDistributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)College of EngineeringIndustrial Engineering
Student Name: Christien A. Alexander
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Organizational Leadership
Student Name: Azwanina Shahizan Azham Shah
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Benjamin L. Baker
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Destani K. Bartlett
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law & Society
Student Name: Erin Biesterveld
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Master of Public Health
Student Name: Samantha D. Brown
Library/Unit Worked: Information Resources – Metadata Services
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History, Minors: Women’s Studies, American Studies, LGBT Studies
Student Name: D. Trevor Burrows
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History, PhD
Student Name: Miranda Erin Campbell
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Theatre Design & Production
Student Name: Katie M. Carroll
Library/Unit Worked: Scholarly Publishing Services (HABRI Central)
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agribusiness Marketing & Agricultural Communication
Student Name: Brandt Z. Davis
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Sales & Marketing
Student Name: Skyler M. Doss
Library/Unit Worked: Administration & Human Resources
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management
Student Name: William Logan Downing
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Science
Major: Atmospheric Science
Student Name: Kaelynn D. Duncan
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Economics
Student Name: Sindhura Elluri
Library/Unit Worked: Distributed Data Curation Center
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Nicole A. Gonzalez
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Taylor L. Goodpaster
Library/Unit Worked: Information Literacy
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech-Language Pathology
Student Name: Amber J. Haga
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Katie R. Hatch
Library/Unit Worked: Information Resources – Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Pre-Professional and Pre-Occupational Therapy
Student Name: Joshua A. Heintz
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling & Planning
Student Name: Nehemiah Huang
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Selling & Sales Management
Student Name: Utsav Jain
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Student Name: Morgan E. Juillerat
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting & Management
Student Name: Muhammad Afiq Junaidy
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Andrea R. Kaufman
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: Yae Ji Kim
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy
Student Name: Jessica J. Kitchel
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Selling & Sales Management
Student Name: Kollette P. Koehler
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Communication & Public Relations
Student Name: Diane C. Kuan
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management
Student Name: Chris Kulesza
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Ryan A. Lazur
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Physics
Student Name: Trenton G. Low
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Shanice J. Matthews
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Industrial Engineering Technology Minor: Organizational Leadership
Student Name: Sedrick M. McDonald
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Emily R. McIlhattan
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting & Management
Student Name: Caleb J. McLean
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Claudia N. Mena
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Kent A. Miiller
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling & Planning
Student Name: Jennifer I. Montgomery
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing & Management
Student Name: Aswin Siva Nagasubramanian
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction & Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Alex C. Namwali
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Bruce A. Olson
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Leah Pennywark
Library/Unit Worked: Scholarly Publishing Services
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English
Student Name: Shankali U. Pradhan
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Heidi R. Prawat
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Yixuan Qiu
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Science
Major: Statistics
Student Name: Patrick J. Quinn
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management
Student Name: Callie R. Richard
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Samantha R. Sainato
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) Student Ambassador
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management, Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt
Student Name: Justin T. Shake
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Janet D. Shin
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting & Management
Student Name: Jacob Michael Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Emily A. Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Shannon Marie Sremac
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Andrew D. Tuholski
Library/Unit Worked: Dean’s Office
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science, PhD
Student Name: Micaela L. Walls
Library/Unit Worked: Information Resources – Digital Programs
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science and Animal Agribusiness
Student Name: Hao Wang
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Jonathon A. Welk
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Natalie R. Wieclaw
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Environmental Health
Student Name: Marie I. Wood
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Corporate Communication
Student Name: Eliana P. Yu
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Professional Writing
Student Name: Andrew K. Zeller
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics, PhD
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Christien A. AlexanderLibraries Facilities Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsPurdue Polytechnic InstituteOrganizational Leadership
Azwanina Shahizan Azham ShahHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Health & Human SciencesPsychological Sciences
Benjamin L. BakerArchives & Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsPolitical Science
Destani K. BartlettHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsLaw & Society
Erin BiesterveldHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Health & Human SciencesMaster of Public Health
Samantha D. BrownInformation Resources – Metadata ServicesCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory, Minors: Women’s Studies, American Studies, LGBT Studies
D. Trevor BurrowsArchives & Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory, PhD
Miranda Erin CampbellHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsTheatre Design & Production
Katie M. CarrollScholarly Publishing Services (HABRI Central)College of AgricultureAgribusiness Marketing & Agricultural Communication
Brandt Z. DavisArchives & Special CollectionsCollege of AgricultureAgricultural Sales & Marketing
Skyler M. DossAdministration & Human ResourcesKrannert School of ManagementIndustrial Management
William Logan DowningM. G. Mellon Library of ChemistryCollege of ScienceAtmospheric Science
Kaelynn D. DuncanRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementEconomics
Sindhura ElluriDistributed Data Curation CenterPurdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer and Information Technology
Nicole A. GonzalezVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of AgricultureAnimal Science
Taylor L. GoodpasterInformation LiteracyCollege of Health & Human SciencesSpeech-Language Pathology
Amber J. HagaRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health & Human SciencesSpeech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Katie R. HatchInformation Resources – Interlibrary LoanCollege of Health & Human SciencesPre-Professional and Pre-Occupational Therapy
Joshua A. HeintzHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesFinancial Counseling & Planning
Nehemiah HuangAviation Technology LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesSelling & Sales Management
Utsav JainHicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringAerospace Engineering
Morgan E. JuilleratUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)Krannert School of ManagementAccounting & Management
Muhammad Afiq JunaidyHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringElectrical Engineering
Andrea R. KaufmanEarth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of EngineeringCivil Engineering
Yae Ji KimRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of PharmacyPharmacy
Jessica J. KitchelSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesSelling & Sales Management
Kollette P. KoehlerMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsCommunication & Public Relations
Diane C. KuanLibrary of Engineering and ScienceKrannert School of ManagementManagement
Chris KuleszaGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)College of Liberal ArtsPolitical Science
Ryan A. LazurPhysics LibraryCollege of SciencePhysics
Trenton G. LowUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Shanice J. MatthewsSiegesmund Engineering LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteIndustrial Engineering Technology Minor: Organizational Leadership
Sedrick M. McDonaldHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementAccounting
Emily R. McIlhattanMathematical Sciences LibraryKrannert School of ManagementAccounting & Management
Caleb J. McLeanSiegesmund Engineering LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer Graphics Technology
Claudia N. MenaHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Health & Human SciencesSpeech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Kent A. MiillerUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of Health & Human SciencesFinancial Counseling & Planning
Jennifer I. MontgomeryRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementMarketing & Management
Aswin Siva NagasubramanianInstruction & Digital Programs ServicesCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Alex C. NamwaliAviation Technology LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer Graphics Technology
Bruce A. OlsonUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Leah PennywarkScholarly Publishing ServicesCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglish
Shankali U. PradhanGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)College of EngineeringChemical Engineering
Heidi R. PrawatPharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesPsychology
Yixuan QiuResearch DataCollege of ScienceStatistics
Patrick J. QuinnHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)Krannert School of ManagementIndustrial Management
Callie R. RichardSiegesmund Engineering LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteMechanical Engineering Technology
Samantha R. SainatoUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) Student AmbassadorKrannert School of ManagementIndustrial Management, Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt
Justin T. ShakeAviation Technology LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteAviation Management
Janet D. ShinRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementAccounting & Management
Jacob Michael SmithArchives & Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory
Emily A. SmithRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of EducationElementary Education
Shannon Marie SremacHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringElectrical Engineering
Andrew D. TuholskiDean’s OfficeCollege of Liberal ArtsPolitical Science, PhD
Micaela L. WallsInformation Resources – Digital ProgramsCollege of AgricultureAnimal Science and Animal Agribusiness
Hao WangHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Jonathon A. WelkLibraries FacilitiesCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory
Natalie R. WieclawHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesEnvironmental Health
Marie I. WoodSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsCorporate Communication
Eliana P. YuUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of Liberal ArtsProfessional Writing
Andrew K. ZellerGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)College of ScienceMathematics, PhD
Student Name: Shelby R. Allen
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Jalen A. Banks
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Networking Information Technology
Student Name: Shannon K. Bischoff
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: General Health Sciences
Student Name: Maxwell C. Campbell
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History (MS)
Student Name: Alexander M. Carbone
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Conner I. Cesario
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematical Statistics
Student Name: Jodie J. Cha
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Communication-Public Relations
Student Name: Helen M. Clark
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Film and Video Studies
Student Name: Esra Coskun
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Philosophy and Literature
Student Name: Gion Crockett
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library & Physics Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Sociology
Student Name: Kayla L. Crump
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Kevyn S. Cutler
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Ayanna D. Daniels
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management/Finance
Student Name: Joshua A. David
Library/Unit Worked: Life Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Amber J. Davis
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Industrial Engineering Technology
Student Name: Celia C. Duffala
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Emily K. Durkin
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History and Anthropology
Student Name: Chelsea D. Duvall
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Jami R. Eller
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Danielle A. Ferreira
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Kayleigh Fisher
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Pathology
Student Name: Brooke T. Fourthman
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Adam S. Freeburg
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Student Name: Alexandra E. Gergis
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Tyler W. Gray
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Physical Education
Student Name: Sara M. Green
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Veterinary Medicine
Major: Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Student Name: Matthew D. Groh
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Professional Flight Technology
Student Name: Erica Y. Gutierrez
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Student Name: Austin J. Hartz
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Kleidy M. Herrera
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: William Loomis Heston
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Benaiah L. Hovee
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Donovan Irven
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Philosophy and Literature
Student Name: Wei Keat Khor
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Conner H. King
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling and Planning
Student Name: Harish V. Kumaravel
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Information Security
Student Name: Dea N. Machely
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Information Systems
Student Name: Andrew N. Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: MBA
Student Name: Carlee Danielle Montgomery
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling and Planning
Student Name: Michael A. Moore
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Education
Major: Secondary English Education
Student Name: Pengfei Nie
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Isaac C. Nutter
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Chad R. Oetting
Library/Unit Worked: Life Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aeronautics and Astronautics
Student Name: Danielle A. Pappas
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance and Management
Student Name: Kaylee E. Parks
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Student Name: Cameron N. Pate
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmaceutical Science
Student Name: Menna Saber
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Public Health
Student Name: Sahanaa Reddy Santhana Krishnan
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Abbey L. Schmitt
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Mikhail Y. Shalaginov
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Margaret L. Sheble
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English
Student Name: Ethan W. Shepherd
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History/Anthropology
Student Name: Bryan A. Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Science
Major: Chemistry
Student Name: Yuankun Song
Library/Unit Worked: Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Joshua Staker
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Movement and Sports
Student Name: Eric J. Stocking
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Ashley M. Stokes
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Movement and Sport Sciences
Student Name: Tommy (Kin Ho) Tang
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Allison K. Urbaszewski
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Hannah R. Vaughn
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History Honors
Student Name: Davis Webb
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Kaitlyn I. Winters
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agribusiness: Agricultural Finance Concentration
Student Name: Drupadhchakravarti Yalamanchili
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Shelby R. AllenHicks Repository)College of Health and Human SciencesNursing
Jalen A. BanksHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)Purdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer Networking Information Technology
Shannon K. BischoffHicks RepositoryCollege of Health and Human SciencesGeneral Health Sciences
Maxwell C. CampbellArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory (MS)
Alexander M. CarboneLibraries FacilitiesPurdue Polytechnic InstituteAviation Management
Conner I. CesarioHicks RepositoryCollege of ScienceMathematical Statistics
Jodie J. ChaUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of Liberal ArtsCommunication-Public Relations
Helen M. ClarkPharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsFilm and Video Studies
Esra CoskunHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsPhilosophy and Literature
Gion CrockettAviation Technology Library & Physics LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsSociology
Kayla L. CrumpVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of Health & Human SciencesPsychology
Kevyn S. CutlerRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of EducationElementary Education
Ayanna D. DanielsRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementManagement/Finance
Joshua A. DavidLife Sciences LibraryCollege of ScienceMathematics
Amber J. DavisM. G. Mellon Library of ChemistryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteIndustrial Engineering Technology
Celia C. DuffalaDigital ProgramsPurdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer Graphics Technology
Emily K. DurkinArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory and Anthropology
Chelsea D. DuvallVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of AgricultureAnimal Science
Jami R. EllerEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychological Sciences
Danielle A. FerreiraHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EducationElementary Education
Kayleigh FisherResearch DataCollege of Health and Human SciencesSpeech Language Pathology
Brooke T. FourthmanHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of ScienceBiology
Adam S. FreeburgUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of EngineeringAerospace Engineering
Alexandra E. GergisHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Liberal ArtsLaw and Society
Tyler W. GrayLibraries FacilitiesCollege of Health and Human SciencesPhysical Education
Sara M. GreenHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Veterinary MedicinePre-Veterinary Medicine
Matthew D. GrohAviation Technology LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteProfessional Flight Technology
Erica Y. GutierrezMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsPublic Relations and Strategic Communication
Austin J. HartzSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsLaw and Society
Kleidy M. HerreraHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringCivil Engineering
William Loomis HestonUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)Purdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer and Information Technology
Benaiah L. HoveeRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementAccounting
Donovan IrvenArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsPhilosophy and Literature
Wei Keat KhorHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringElectrical Engineering
Conner H. KingLibraries FacilitiesCollege of Health and Human SciencesFinancial Counseling and Planning
Harish V. KumaravelResearch DataPurdue Polytechnic InstituteInformation Security
Dea N. MachelyHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)Purdue Polytechnic InstituteInformation Systems
Andrew N. MartinGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)Krannert School of ManagementMBA
Carlee Danielle MontgomeryRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health and Human SciencesFinancial Counseling and Planning
Michael A. MooreLibraries FacilitiesCollege of EducationSecondary English Education
Pengfei NieHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringIndustrial Engineering
Isaac C. NutterHicks RepositoryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychology
Chad R. OettingLife Sciences LibraryCollege of EngineeringAeronautics and Astronautics
Danielle A. PappasRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementFinance and Management
Kaylee E. ParksSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsPublic Relations and Strategic Communication
Cameron N. PateHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical Science
Menna SaberM. G. Mellon Library of ChemistryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPublic Health
Sahanaa Reddy Santhana KrishnanArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of EngineeringElectrical and Computer Engineering
Abbey L. SchmittSiegesmund Engineering LibraryHealth and Human SciencesSpeech Language and Hearing Sciences
Mikhail Y. ShalaginovGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer Engineering
Margaret L. ShebleArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglish
Ethan W. ShepherdM. G. Mellon Library of ChemistryCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory/Anthropology
Bryan A. SmithInterlibrary LoanCollege of ScienceChemistry
Yuankun SongDistributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)Purdue Polytechnic InstituteComputer and Information Technology
Joshua StakerPhysics LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesMovement and Sports
Eric J. StockingArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory
Ashley M. StokesRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health and Human SciencesMovement and Sport Sciences
Tommy (Kin Ho) TangAviation Technology LibraryPurdue Polytechnic InstituteAviation Management
Allison K. UrbaszewskiArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory
Hannah R. VaughnArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory Honors
Davis WebbPhysics LibraryCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Kaitlyn I. WintersHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of AgricultureAgribusiness: Agricultural Finance Concentration
Drupadhchakravarti YalamanchiliHicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Student Name: Janna M. Ahrndt
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Linguistics
Student Name: Karen R. Bassett
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Information Technology
Student Name: Hannah E. Bays
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology/Archaeology
Student Name: Erin K. Biesterveld
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Public Health Community
Student Name: Kelsey E. Blasingame
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (MS)
Student Name: Dhiraj Bodicherla
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Graphics (MS)
Student Name: Rachel E. Borsa
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Professional Flight
Student Name: Heidi Branham
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations (MS)
Student Name: Courtney M. Brennan
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Stephanie R. Brobst
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Ryan N. Buss
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English Literature / Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Student Name: Traci A. Cramer
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Agriculture/td>
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Jasmine J. Crawford
Library/Unit Worked: Information Technology
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Student Name: Demetrius A. Cross
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Deanna R. Dahman
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Andrea L. DaViera
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences/td>
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: James E. Dobson
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Kent C. Etherton
Library/Unit Worked: Life Sciences Library Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Shuying Feng
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Susan M. Fowler
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Information Technology
Student Name: Jesse I. Fuller
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Diana P. Gingerich
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Jose F. Gutierrez
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Building Construction Management
Student Name: Victoria E. Haines
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Michael D. Hands
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Science
Major: Chemistry
Student Name: Chelsia Harris
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Organizational Leadership and Supervision
Student Name: Andrew W. Herlihy
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science Engineering
Student Name: Heather L. Hopkins
Library/Unit Worked: Metadata Services
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Jacob W. Kennedy
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Building Construction Management
Student Name: Bradley M. Kidney
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology (pre-vet)
Student Name: Julie Marie Kitchel
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Devi S. Kovi
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science
Student Name: Eunjee (Jamie) Lee
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmaceutical Science
Student Name: Shuo Li
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance/Management
Student Name: Alexandra B. Lindenmuth
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English Literature and Creative Writing
Student Name: Chloe J. Lindsay
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Actuarial Science and Applied Statistics
Student Name: Bo Ling
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Benjamin E.B. Lins
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Basil F. Maroney
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Geology and Geophysics
Student Name: Katie E. Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History and American Studies
Student Name: Danielle A. Martindale
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Bradley J. Matthews
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Michael J. Maune
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Education
Major: English Education
Student Name: Brandalyn A.R. Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Interdisciplinary Agriculture
Student Name: Curtis R. Mitchel
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Chemistry
Student Name: Andrew Murrel
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Physics and Computer Science
Student Name: Tyler JM Navarro
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Lauren M. Niehaus
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Building Construction Management
Student Name: Dominicia G. Norwood
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Jamie K. Nunan
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Michelle M. Olson
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Creative Writing
Student Name: Nathanael R. Priest
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Philosophy
Student Name: Gisele M. Rawlins
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science Engineering
Student Name: Michael R. Ricketts
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Kiersten R. Sanders
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Veterinary Medicine
Major: Veterinary Technology
Student Name: LeAnna C. Sanders
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Veterinary Medicine
Major: Veterinary Technology
Student Name: Abhishek Saxena
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Austin D. Scherbarth
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science Engineering
Student Name: Tiffany M. Sedberry
Library/Unit Worked: Research and Assessment
College/School: College of Education
Major: Literacy and Language/English Education
Student Name: Rachel C. Shea
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology and Classical Studies
Student Name: Cory Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics and Statistics
Student Name: Chadwick M. Strong
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Kyler F. Styx
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing and Management
Student Name: Christina M. Tasicas
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Communication
Student Name: Rachael L. Toth
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Multidisciplinary engineering/Visual Design Engineering
Student Name: Yugal Vaishnav
Library/Unit Worked: Information Technology
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Enagineering
Student Name: Lauren P. Weldy
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English
Student Name: Robert M. Wells
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Derek J. Williams
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Science
Krannert School of Management
Major: Chemistry
Industrial Management
Student Name: Taylor P. Wolfe
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Hongbo (Albert) Yang
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Haley M. Young
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Movement and Sport Sciences
Student Name: Vanessa S. Young
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Ashley N. Zentz
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Student Name: Yidan Zheng
Library/Unit Worked: Research and Assessment
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Abigail R. Zindren
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Public Health Promotion/Women’s Studies
Student NameLibrary/Unit WorkedCollege/SchoolMajor
Janna M. AhrndtHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsLinguistics
Karen R. BassettHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of TechnologyComputer Information Technology
Hannah E. BaysEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology/Archaeology
Erin K. BiesterveldHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Health and Human SciencesPublic Health Community
Kelsey E. BlasingameResearch DataCollege of Health and Human SciencesSpeech, Language and Hearing Sciences (MS)
Dhiraj BodicherlaInstruction and Digital Programs ServicesCollege of TechnologyComputer Graphics (MS)
Rachel E. BorsaAviation Technology LibraryCollege of TechnologyProfessional Flight
Heidi BranhamPurdue University PressCollege of Liberal ArtsPublic Relations (MS)
Courtney M. BrennanMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesSpeech Language Hearing Sciences
Stephanie R. BrobstEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesNursing
Ryan N. BussRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglish Literature / Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Traci A. CramerHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Agriculture/td>Animal Science
Jasmine J. CrawfordInformation TechnologyCollege of TechnologyElectrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Demetrius A. CrossInstruction and Digital Programs ServicesCollege of TechnologyComputer Graphics Technology
Deanna R. DahmanVeterinary Medical LibraryCollege of AgricultureAnimal Science
Andrea L. DaVieraHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Health and Human Sciences/td>Psychological Sciences
James E. DobsonHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of TechnologyAviation Management
Kent C. EthertonLife Sciences Library Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychology
Shuying FengInstruction and Digital Programs ServicesCollege of EngineeringElectrical and Computer Engineering
Susan M. FowlerHicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of TechnologyComputer Information Technology
Jesse I. FullerRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health and Human SciencesBrain and Behavioral Sciences
Diana P. GingerichArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory
Jose F. GutierrezSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of TechnologyBuilding Construction Management
Victoria E. HainesHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychology
Michael D. HandsM. G. Mellon Library of ChemistryCollege of ScienceChemistry
Chelsia HarrisSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of TechnologyOrganizational Leadership and Supervision
Andrew W. HerlihyHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
Interlibrary Loan
College of EngineeringMaterials Science Engineering
Heather L. HopkinsMetadata ServicesCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory
Jacob W. KennedySiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of TechnologyBuilding Construction Management
Bradley M. KidneyDigital ProgramsCollege of ScienceBiology (pre-vet)
Julie Marie KitchelSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesSelling and Sales Management
Devi S. KoviMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of ScienceMathematics, Statistics, Computer Science
Eunjee (Jamie) LeeHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical Science
Shuo LiRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsKrannert School of ManagementFinance/Management
Alexandra B. LindenmuthInterlibrary Loan
Archives and Special Collections
College of Liberal ArtsEnglish Literature and Creative Writing
Chloe J. LindsayEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of ScienceActuarial Science and Applied Statistics
Bo LingDigital ProgramsCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Benjamin E.B. LinsUndergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)College of EngineeringChemical Engineering
Basil F. MaroneyRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of ScienceGeology and Geophysics
Katie E. MartinArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory and American Studies
Danielle A. MartindalePharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences LibraryCollege of ScienceBiology
Bradley J. MatthewsPhysics LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesPsychology
Michael J. MauneArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of EducationEnglish Education
Brandalyn A.R. MillerRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of AgricultureInterdisciplinary Agriculture
Curtis R. MitchelPharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences LibraryCollege of ScienceChemistry
Andrew MurrelPhysics LibraryCollege of SciencePhysics and Computer Science
Tyler JM NavarroArchives and Special CollectionsCollege of EngineeringElectrical Engineering
Lauren M. NiehausM. G. Mellon Library of ChemistryCollege of TechnologyBuilding Construction Management
Dominicia G. NorwoodSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of EducationElementary Education
Jamie K. NunanSiegesmund Engineering LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesSpeech Language Hearing Sciences
Michelle M. OlsonEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsCreative Writing
Nathanael R. PriestDigital ProgramsCollege of Liberal ArtsPhilosophy
Gisele M. RawlinsHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringMaterials Science Engineering
Michael R. RickettsEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of TechnologyMechanical Engineering Technology
Kiersten R. SandersRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Technology
LeAnna C. SandersRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Technology
Abhishek SaxenaGraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)College of EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Austin D. ScherbarthHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of EngineeringMaterials Science Engineering
Tiffany M. SedberryResearch and AssessmentCollege of EducationLiteracy and Language/English Education
Rachel C. SheaHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Liberal ArtsAnthropology and Classical Studies
Cory SmithHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of ScienceMathematics and Statistics
Chadwick M. StrongInstruction and Digital Programs ServicesCollege of TechnologyComputer Graphics Technology
Kyler F. StyxHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)Krannert School of ManagementMarketing and Management
Christina M. TasicasHicks Undergraduate LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsCommunication
Rachael L. TothHicks RepositoryCollege of EngineeringMultidisciplinary engineering/Visual Design Engineering
Yugal VaishnavInformation TechnologyCollege of EngineeringMechanical Enagineering
Lauren P. WeldyDigital ProgramsCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglish
Robert M. WellsHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Liberal ArtsPolitical Science
Derek J. WilliamsHicks RepositoryCollege of Science
Krannert School of Management
Industrial Management
Taylor P. WolfeHumanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)College of Health and Human SciencesSelling and Sales Management
Hongbo (Albert) YangInstruction and Digital Programs ServicesCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Haley M. YoungEarth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences LibraryCollege of Health and Human SciencesMovement and Sport Sciences
Vanessa S. YoungMathematical Sciences LibraryCollege of Liberal ArtsLaw and Society
Ashley N. ZentzRoland G. Parrish Library of Management and EconomicsCollege of Health and Human SciencesHospitality and Tourism Management
Yidan ZhengResearch and AssessmentCollege of ScienceComputer Science
Abigail R. ZindrenDigital ProgramsCollege of Health and Human SciencesPublic Health Promotion/Women’s Studies