Libraries Alumni
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Priya Aloor | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Science | Computer Science |
Camille Bereolos | Archives and Special Collections | Krannert School of Management | Economics |
Brittany Bloomfield | Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Science |
Phuong Bui | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
Melanie Clayton | Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Library | College of Science | Neurobiology and Physiology |
Megan Garrett | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Catherine Gilhooly | Purdue University Press | Honors College, College of Liberal Arts | English Literature and Professional Writing |
Korbin Hensley | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Daniels School of Business | Industrial Management-Data Aanlytics |
Carson Howk | Mathematical Sciences Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Professional Flight Technology |
Meric Karaoğuz | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Science |
Renee Kohlmeier | Veterninary Medical Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech Language and Human Sciences |
Raven Kurtz | Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Library | College of Liberal Arts | Studio Arts and Technology |
Frederick Lipscomb | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology |
Alyssa Lyman | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Liberal Arts | Digital Criminology |
Evely Moreno | Print Repositorires | College of Liberal Arts | Spanish |
Joseph Pacilio | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Brant Plowman | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Construction Engineering and Management |
Christopher Shr | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Engineering | Biomedical Engineering |
Destiny Stockton | Aviation Technology Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Professional Flight Technology |
Sabryna Velez | Print Repositorires | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Web Programming and Design |
Katelynn Webb | Interlibrary Loan | College of Health and Human Sciences | Pyschological Sciences |
Student Name: Sophia Aguirre
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Hasun Choi
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics/Statistics
Student Name: Chyna Davis
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Cellular, Molecular and Development Biology
Student Name: David Faris
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Jacob Habegger
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Argiculture
Major: Horticulture
Student Name: Bailey Hahn
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Science and Engineering
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Sociology
Student Name: Alivia Jachimiak
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Sarah Jackson
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Kirsten Kendig
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: Michael Lewis
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economic
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: Chun-Yi Lo
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Siddhant Mehta
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management Technology
Student Name: Carly Mendenhall
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Matthew Moreno
Library/Unit Worked: Libraires Facilties
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Michael Ogawa
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Student Name: David Ojewole
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Student Name: Brittany Poholarz
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Olivia Quarrier
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communications
Student Name: Adriana Rotger
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Student Name: Asia Salazar
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Student Name: Jonael Semexant
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management
Student Name: Charles Sims
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aeronautical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Brandon Smid
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Cybersecurity, Network Engineering Technology, Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Isabelle Titus
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Education
Student Name: Jake Tockerman
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Taylor Vaughn
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Health and Human Sciences
Student Name: Sawyer Winfield
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Jacob Wilson
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Amy Worley-Peterson
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Student Name: Sherry Zhang
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Sophia Aguirre | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Accounting |
Hasun Choi | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Science | Mathematics/Statistics |
Chyna Davis | Aviation Technology Library | College of Science | Cellular, Molecular and Development Biology |
David Faris | Aviation Technology Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Aviation Management |
Jacob Habegger | Libraries Facilities | College of Argiculture | Horticulture |
Bailey Hahn | Library of Science and Engineering | College of Liberal Arts | Sociology |
Alivia Jachimiak | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Science | Biology |
Sarah Jackson | Libraries IT | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Sciences |
Kirsten Kendig | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Finance |
Michael Lewis | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economic | Krannert School of Management | Finance |
Chun-Yi Lo | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Siddhant Mehta | Archives and Special Collections | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Construction Management Technology |
Carly Mendenhall | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Matthew Moreno | Libraires Facilties | College of Engineering | Industrial Engineering |
Michael Ogawa | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Engineering | Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering |
David Ojewole | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Pharmacy | Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Brittany Poholarz | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Accounting |
Olivia Quarrier | Hicks Repository | College of Liberal Arts | Public Relations and Strategic Communications |
Adriana Rotger | Archives and Special Collections | College of Engineering | Biomedical Engineering |
Asia Salazar | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Agriculture | Natural Resources and Environmental Science |
Jonael Semexant | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Industrial Management |
Charles Sims | Aviation Technology Library | College of Engineering | Aeronautical Engineering Technology |
Brandon Smid | Libraries IT | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Cybersecurity, Network Engineering Technology, Computer and Information Technology |
Isabelle Titus | Interlibrary Loan | College of Agriculture | Agricultural Education |
Jake Tockerman | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Taylor Vaughn | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health and Human Sciences | Health and Human Sciences |
Sawyer Winfield | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Environmental and Ecological Engineering |
Jacob Wilson | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
Amy Worley-Peterson | Archives and Special Collections | College of Agriculture | Natural Resources and Environmental Science |
Sherry Zhang | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Sciences |
Student Name: Pranav Adiga
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Brady Anderson
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: College of Science
Major: Health and Disease
Student Name: Sarah Arnold
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Developmental and Family Sciences
Developmental and Family Sciences
Student Name: Desirée Clark
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Classical Studies
Student Name: Tyler Davis
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Farm Management
Student Name: Chasidy Dean
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Virtual Product Integration
Web Programming and Design
Web Programming and Design
Student Name: Erika Deming
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Ethan Edwards
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: Monica Flores
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: John Foster
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Kevin Gao
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy
Student Name: Katherine Griffin
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Alex Griffin-Little
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History / Political Science / Women’s Studies
Student Name: April Grotberg
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Linguistics (PhD)
Student Name: Kayla Hawthorne
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Health
Student Name: Jacob Hobson
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Reed Hudson
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Ryan Huff
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Celine Keissieh
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Pattie Linton
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling and Planning
Student Name: Julia Pacilio
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Sciences
Student Name: Manoj Penmetcha
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology, Robotics (PhD)
Student Name: Teanna Pounds
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Luke Richey
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries IT
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology
Student Name: Candi Salla
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Visual Communication Design
Student Name: Rachel Small
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology / General Communication
Student Name: Jamie Sowders
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Sciences
Student Name: Mary Stellato
Library/Unit Worked: Office of Undergraduate Research
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Visual Communication Design
Student Name: Jack Stickney
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Savanna Stuteville
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Alexis Terry
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Animation
Student Name: Kayla Trowbridge
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology / Classical Studies
Student Name: Tabitha Wyant
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Forestry
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Pranav Adiga | Research Data | College of Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Brady Anderson | Libraries IT | College of Science | Health and Disease |
Sarah Arnold | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Sciences Developmental and Family Sciences |
Desirée Clark | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Classical Studies |
Tyler Davis | Libraries Facilities Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Agriculture | Farm Management |
Chasidy Dean | Digital Programs | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Virtual Product Integration Web Programming and Design |
Erika Deming | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Sciences |
Ethan Edwards | Purdue University Press | College of Engineering | Civil Engineering |
Monica Flores | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Finance |
John Foster | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Science | Computer Science |
Kevin Gao | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Katherine Griffin | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Selling and Sales Management |
Alex Griffin-Little | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History / Political Science / Women’s Studies |
April Grotberg | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Liberal Arts | Linguistics (PhD) |
Kayla Hawthorne | Archives and Special Collections | College of Health and Human Sciences College of Liberal Arts | Public Health Anthropology |
Jacob Hobson | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Reed Hudson | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychological Sciences |
Ryan Huff | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Science | Computer Science |
Celine Keissieh | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences |
Pattie Linton | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health and Human Sciences | Financial Counseling and Planning |
Julia Pacilio | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Agriculture | Animal Sciences |
Manoj Penmetcha | Libraries IT | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer and Information Technology, Robotics (PhD) |
Teanna Pounds | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences |
Luke Richey | Libraries IT | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology |
Candi Salla | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Visual Communication Design |
Rachel Small | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology / General Communication |
Jamie Sowders | Libraries Facilities | College of Agriculture | Animal Sciences |
Mary Stellato | Office of Undergraduate Research | College of Liberal Arts | Visual Communication Design |
Jack Stickney | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Savanna Stuteville | Aviation Technology Library | College of Technology | Aviation Management |
Alexis Terry | Hicks Undergraduate Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Animation |
Kayla Trowbridge | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology / Classical Studies |
Tabitha Wyant | Archives and Special Collections | College of Agriculture | Forestry |
Student Name: Selena Amador
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Amelia Amrhein
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Japanese and Spanish
Student Name: Jasmine Anguiano
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Pathology, MS
Student Name: Ryana Backe
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Unique Beaver
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Mass Communication
Student Name: Ciara Bradburn
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Wildlife
Student Name: Johanna Carroll
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Elizabeth Coats
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
Office of Undergraduate Research
Office of Undergraduate Research
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Business Management
Student Name: Olivia Crouse
Library/Unit Worked: Office of Undergraduate Research
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Krannert School of Management
Krannert School of Management
Major: Public Relations & Strategic Communication Marketing
Student Name: Iveindigo Djianto
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Robotics Engineering Technology & Mechatronics Engineering Technology
Student Name: Clarissa Fields
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Game Development & Design, Animation, Web Development
Student Name: Evan Francis
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Economics
Student Name: Trusha Gavankar
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: Bridget Gittemeier
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Human Services
Student Name: Samuel Goodhart
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Virtual Product Integration [Computer Graphics Technology]
Student Name: Duncan Houpt
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Hanna King
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Health Sciences Pre-Professional
Student Name: Elizabeth Kriebel
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology, Classical Studies
Student Name: Shelby Ladd
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English Literature
Student Name: Bethany Laffoon
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Sarah Lightner
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Agriculture
College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Major: Environmental Science
Student Name: Jessica Mah
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Neurobiology and Physiology
Student Name: Rohit Mallick
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Emmanda McKenzie
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Zachariah Menzie
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Graphics
Student Name: Caitlyn Nickens
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Animation and Building Information Modeling
Student Name: Victoria Oldson
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Jyothsna Padmakumar Bindu
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Engineering Technology
Student Name: Virginia Pleasant
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Ph.D., American Studies
Student Name: Nicole Ruiz-Daquin
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Peter Scott
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Alyssa Seeman
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology, Classical Studies
Student Name: Emma Strohacker
Library/Unit Worked: Strategic Communication
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Marley Suda
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Interdisciplinary Science – Focus in EAPS
Student Name: Veera Vyas
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Krannert School of Management
Krannert School of Management
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Tiffany Wang
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Isabel Weatherhead
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Pre-Professional Health Sciences
Student Name: Lydia Wessel
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management
Student Name: Marilyn Wood
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Selena Amador | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychological Sciences |
Amelia Amrhein | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Liberal Arts | Japanese and Spanish |
Jasmine Anguiano | Archives and Special Collections | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech Language Pathology, MS |
Ryana Backe | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Unique Beaver | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Liberal Arts | Mass Communication |
Ciara Bradburn | Archives and Special Collections | College of Agriculture | Wildlife |
Johanna Carroll | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Science | Mathematics |
Elizabeth Coats | Purdue University Press Office of Undergraduate Research | Krannert School of Management | Business Management |
Olivia Crouse | Office of Undergraduate Research | College of Liberal Arts Krannert School of Management | Public Relations & Strategic Communication Marketing |
Iveindigo Djianto | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Robotics Engineering Technology & Mechatronics Engineering Technology |
Clarissa Fields | Hicks Repository | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Game Development & Design, Animation, Web Development |
Evan Francis | Purdue Libraries Facilities | College of Agriculture | Agricultural Economics |
Trusha Gavankar | Hicks Repository | College of Engineering | Civil Engineering |
Bridget Gittemeier | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Human Services |
Samuel Goodhart | Purdue Libraries Facilities | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Virtual Product Integration [Computer Graphics Technology] |
Duncan Houpt | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Hanna King | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Health and Human Sciences | Health Sciences Pre-Professional |
Elizabeth Kriebel | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology, Classical Studies |
Shelby Ladd | Hicks Repository | College of Liberal Arts | English Literature |
Bethany Laffoon | Hicks Repository | College of Agriculture | Animal Science |
Sarah Lightner | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Agriculture College of Liberal Arts | Environmental Science Philosophy |
Jessica Mah | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Science | Neurobiology and Physiology |
Rohit Mallick | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Sciences |
Emmanda McKenzie | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Science | Biology |
Zachariah Menzie | Purdue Libraries Facilities | College of Science | Computer Graphics |
Caitlyn Nickens | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Animation and Building Information Modeling |
Victoria Oldson | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Science | Computer Science |
Jyothsna Padmakumar Bindu | Research Data | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Engineering Technology |
Virginia Pleasant | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Ph.D., American Studies |
Nicole Ruiz-Daquin | Interlibrary Loan | Krannert School of Management | Accounting |
Peter Scott | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Alyssa Seeman | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology, Classical Studies |
Emma Strohacker | Strategic Communication | College of Health and Human Sciences | Selling and Sales Management |
Marley Suda | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Science | Interdisciplinary Science – Focus in EAPS |
Veera Vyas | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Science Krannert School of Management | Mathematics Economics |
Tiffany Wang | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Science | Mathematics |
Isabel Weatherhead | Interlibrary Loan | College of Health and Human Sciences | Pre-Professional Health Sciences |
Lydia Wessel | Interlibrary Loan | Krannert School of Management | Management |
Marilyn Wood | Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library | College of Science | Computer Science |
Student Name: Verrick Brownlee
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing
Student Name: Madison Byarley
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Diego Cabrales
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Rebekah Cho
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Linguistics
Student Name: Matthew Dale
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science and Education Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing and Business Management
Student Name: Levi De Moya
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Kathryn Folkening
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Student Name: Schuyler Frashier
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science and Education Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management
Student Name: Alexandru Gavrila
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs (IT)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Alec Graff
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Health Sciences, Pre-Professional
Student Name: Joshua Groh
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance, Management
Student Name: Abigail Herrold
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Evan Kinnevan
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Adam Kunkel
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Brandon Lach
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Frank Lagoe
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Science
Major: Applied Statistics
Student Name: Molly Lynch
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Student Name: Kalyan Mada
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Alan Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management
Student Name: Taylor Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Interdisciplinary Agriculture
Student Name: Sarah Merryman
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Professional Writing
Student Name: Kiley Mette
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance
Student Name: Katherine Montgomery
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology
Student Name: Brenae Newhard
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Comparative Literature
Student Name: Abagail Osborn
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Celestina Pacilio
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Student Name: Jacob Portwood
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Science
Major: Neurobiology & Physiology
Student Name: Rachel Pudell
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Student Name: Treann Quick
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Jonathan Reitz
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Chloe Richard
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Systems Management
Student Name: Carly Richards
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Biological Engineering
Student Name: Alexus Salazar
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Creative Writing and Professional Writing
Student Name: Corey Sayles
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Systems Management
Student Name: Tyler Self
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs (IT)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Ethan Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Nikhil Soni
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press [e-Pubs]
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Taylor Springer
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science/Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Sciences, minor Biological Sciences
Student Name: Evalyn Stow
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology Honors
Student Name: Nicole Szumigalski
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Tatum Theaman
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History Honors and Anthropology
Student Name: Madison Whitney
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Actuarial Science
Student Name: Chuck Witt
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Verrick Brownlee | Library of Engineering and Science | Krannert School of Management | Marketing |
Madison Byarley | Interlibrary Loan | College of Liberal Arts | Political Science |
Diego Cabrales | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
Rebekah Cho | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Liberal Arts | Linguistics |
Matthew Dale | Humanities, Social Science and Education Library | Krannert School of Management | Marketing and Business Management |
Levi De Moya | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychology |
Kathryn Folkening | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Health and Human Sciences | Hospitality and Tourism Management |
Schuyler Frashier | Humanities, Social Science and Education Library | Krannert School of Management | Management |
Alexandru Gavrila | Instruction and Digital Programs (IT) | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Alec Graff | Archives and Special Collections | College of Health and Human Sciences | Health Sciences, Pre-Professional |
Joshua Groh | Aviation Technology Library | Krannert School of Management | Finance, Management |
Abigail Herrold | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychology |
Evan Kinnevan | Aviation Technology Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Adam Kunkel | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Liberal Arts | Political Science |
Brandon Lach | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Industrial Engineering |
Frank Lagoe | Digital Programs | College of Science | Applied Statistics |
Molly Lynch | Archives and Special Collections | College of Health and Human Sciences | Family and Consumer Sciences Education |
Kalyan Mada | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Alan Martin | Veterinary Medical Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Construction Management |
Taylor Martin | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Agriculture | Interdisciplinary Agriculture |
Sarah Merryman | Purdue University Press | College of Liberal Arts | Professional Writing |
Kiley Mette | Veterinary Medical Library | Krannert School of Management | Finance |
Katherine Montgomery | Hicks Repository | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology |
Brenae Newhard | Hicks Repository | College of Liberal Arts | Comparative Literature |
Abagail Osborn | Digital Programs | College of Engineering | Environmental and Ecological Engineering |
Celestina Pacilio | Mathematical Sciences Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Mechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technology |
Jacob Portwood | Purdue Libraries Facilities | College of Science | Neurobiology & Physiology |
Rachel Pudell | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Human Development and Family Studies |
Treann Quick | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Engineering | Environmental and Ecological Engineering |
Jonathan Reitz | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Chloe Richard | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Agriculture | Agricultural Systems Management |
Carly Richards | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Engineering | Biological Engineering |
Alexus Salazar | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Liberal Arts | Creative Writing and Professional Writing |
Corey Sayles | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Agriculture | Agricultural Systems Management |
Tyler Self | Instruction and Digital Programs (IT) | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Ethan Smith | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
Nikhil Soni | Purdue University Press [e-Pubs] | College of Engineering | Industrial Engineering |
Taylor Springer | Library of Engineering and Science/Aviation Technology Library | College of Agriculture | Animal Sciences, minor Biological Sciences |
Evalyn Stow | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology Honors |
Nicole Szumigalski | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
Tatum Theaman | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History Honors and Anthropology |
Madison Whitney | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Science | Actuarial Science |
Chuck Witt | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology |
Student Name: Brian Alberts
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Cristian Alvarado
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing, Management
Student Name: Bryant Bechtold
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Caitlyn Bennett
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Education
Student Name: Erin Biesterveld
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Accelerated Nursing
Student Name: Avanthi Boopalan
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Master of Business Administration
Student Name: Amanda Burdick
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech-Language Pathology
Student Name: Cameron Burford
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Electrical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Breanna Carr
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Education
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Student Name: Destiny Clements
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Global Studies minor
Global Studies minor
Student Name: Aimee Cooper
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Student Name: Adam (AJ) Farmer
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Nutrition Science
Student Name: Alexis Fernandes
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Anthony Goeckner
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
Library of Engineering and Science
Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Santiago Grandlienard
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction & Digital Programs Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
Scholarly Publish Division
Scholarly Publish Division
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Visual Communication Design
Student Name: Erin Hamilton
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Student Name: Jonathan Hathaway
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Education
Major: School Counseling
Student Name: Leigha Hathaway
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Student Name: Grant Ingamells
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Student Name: Jason Kemna
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management
Student Name: David Kim
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy
Student Name: Matthew Kroll
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies – Philosophy and Literature
Student Name: Christopher Kulesza
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Aaron Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Adam Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Student Name: Veronica Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Nicholas Morgan
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science, AVTE
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Professional Flight Technology
Student Name: Pranjal Kiranrao Naik
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Jordan Petty
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Serena Potter
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Science
Major: Interdisciplinary Science, History minor
Student Name: Tyler Richards
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Supply Chain Information and Analytics
Student Name: Kathryn Roesel
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Lashta Saber
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Construction Management
Student Name: Jessica Schutz
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Education
Major: Social Studies Education
Student Name: Sneha Sharma
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Product Management masters
Student Name: Jenny Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: The Graduate School
College of Education
College of Education
Major: School Counseling
Student Name: Julia Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Strategic Communication
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Theory and Cultural Studies
Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Student Name: Harold Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Nathaniel Soller
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction & Digital Programs Services
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Electrical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Curtis Teter
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Victoria (Tori) Toren
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Health Science: Pre-Professional Occupational Therapy
Student Name: Tatiana Utreras
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Elise Witham
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Michelle Zhang
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology
Student Name: Le Zhang
Library/Unit Worked: Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Brian Alberts | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Cristian Alvarado | Library of Engineering and Science | Krannert School of Management | Marketing, Management |
Bryant Bechtold | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer Graphics Technology |
Caitlyn Bennett | Veterinary Medical Library | College Agriculture | Agricultural Education |
Erin Biesterveld | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Health & Human Sciences | Accelerated Nursing |
Avanthi Boopalan | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Master of Business Administration |
Amanda Burdick | Archives and Special Collections | College of Health & Human Sciences | Speech-Language Pathology |
Cameron Burford | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Electrical Engineering Technology |
Breanna Carr | Digital Programs | College of Education | Curriculum and Instruction |
Destiny Clements | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Liberal Arts | Law and Society Global Studies minor |
Aimee Cooper | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Engineering | Environmental and Ecological Engineering |
Adam (AJ) Farmer | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Nutrition Science |
Alexis Fernandes | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Nursing |
Anthony Goeckner | Hicks Undergraduate Library Library of Engineering and Science | College of Science | Computer Science |
Santiago Grandlienard | Instruction & Digital Programs Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) Scholarly Publish Division | College of Liberal Arts | Visual Communication Design |
Erin Hamilton | Archives and Special Collections | College of Health & Human Sciences | Hospitality and Tourism Management |
Jonathan Hathaway | Archives and Special Collections | College of Education | School Counseling |
Leigha Hathaway | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies |
Grant Ingamells | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Engineering | Biomedical Engineering |
Jason Kemna | Veterinary Medical Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Construction Management |
David Kim | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Matthew Kroll | Research Data | College of Liberal Arts | Interdisciplinary Studies – Philosophy and Literature |
Christopher Kulesza | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | College of Liberal Arts | Political Science |
Aaron Miller | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Adam Miller | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering |
Veronica Miller | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Education | Elementary Education |
Nicholas Morgan | Library of Engineering and Science, AVTE | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Professional Flight Technology |
Pranjal Kiranrao Naik | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Jordan Petty | Library of Engineering and Science | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Serena Potter | Archives and Special Collections | College of Science | Interdisciplinary Science, History minor |
Tyler Richards | Library of Engineering and Science | Krannert School of Management | Supply Chain Information and Analytics |
Kathryn Roesel | Digital Programs | College of Health & Human Sciences | Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences |
Lashta Saber | Library of Engineering and Science | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Construction Management |
Jessica Schutz | Archives and Special Collections | College of Education | Social Studies Education |
Sneha Sharma | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Product Management masters |
Jenny Smith | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | The Graduate School College of Education | School Counseling |
Julia Smith | Strategic Communication | College of Liberal Arts | Theory and Cultural Studies Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies |
Harold Smith | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Science | Computer Science |
Nathaniel Soller | Instruction & Digital Programs Services | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Electrical Engineering Technology |
Curtis Teter | Digital Programs | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Victoria (Tori) Toren | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Health & Human Sciences | Health Science: Pre-Professional Occupational Therapy |
Tatiana Utreras | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Law and Society |
Elise Witham | Library of Engineering and Science | College of Health & Human Sciences | Nursing |
Michelle Zhang | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology |
Le Zhang | Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2) | College of Engineering | Industrial Engineering |
Student Name: Christien A. Alexander
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Organizational Leadership
Student Name: Azwanina Shahizan Azham Shah
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Benjamin L. Baker
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Destani K. Bartlett
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law & Society
Student Name: Erin Biesterveld
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Master of Public Health
Student Name: Samantha D. Brown
Library/Unit Worked: Information Resources – Metadata Services
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History, Minors: Women’s Studies, American Studies, LGBT Studies
Student Name: D. Trevor Burrows
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History, PhD
Student Name: Miranda Erin Campbell
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Theatre Design & Production
Student Name: Katie M. Carroll
Library/Unit Worked: Scholarly Publishing Services (HABRI Central)
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agribusiness Marketing & Agricultural Communication
Student Name: Brandt Z. Davis
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agricultural Sales & Marketing
Student Name: Skyler M. Doss
Library/Unit Worked: Administration & Human Resources
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management
Student Name: William Logan Downing
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Science
Major: Atmospheric Science
Student Name: Kaelynn D. Duncan
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Economics
Student Name: Sindhura Elluri
Library/Unit Worked: Distributed Data Curation Center
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Nicole A. Gonzalez
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Taylor L. Goodpaster
Library/Unit Worked: Information Literacy
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech-Language Pathology
Student Name: Amber J. Haga
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Katie R. Hatch
Library/Unit Worked: Information Resources – Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Pre-Professional and Pre-Occupational Therapy
Student Name: Joshua A. Heintz
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling & Planning
Student Name: Nehemiah Huang
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Selling & Sales Management
Student Name: Utsav Jain
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Student Name: Morgan E. Juillerat
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting & Management
Student Name: Muhammad Afiq Junaidy
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Andrea R. Kaufman
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: Yae Ji Kim
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmacy
Student Name: Jessica J. Kitchel
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Selling & Sales Management
Student Name: Kollette P. Koehler
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Communication & Public Relations
Student Name: Diane C. Kuan
Library/Unit Worked: Library of Engineering and Science
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management
Student Name: Chris Kulesza
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Ryan A. Lazur
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Physics
Student Name: Trenton G. Low
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Shanice J. Matthews
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Industrial Engineering Technology Minor: Organizational Leadership
Student Name: Sedrick M. McDonald
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Emily R. McIlhattan
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting & Management
Student Name: Caleb J. McLean
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Claudia N. Mena
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Kent A. Miiller
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling & Planning
Student Name: Jennifer I. Montgomery
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing & Management
Student Name: Aswin Siva Nagasubramanian
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction & Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Alex C. Namwali
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Bruce A. Olson
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Leah Pennywark
Library/Unit Worked: Scholarly Publishing Services
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English
Student Name: Shankali U. Pradhan
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Heidi R. Prawat
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Yixuan Qiu
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Science
Major: Statistics
Student Name: Patrick J. Quinn
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management
Student Name: Callie R. Richard
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Samantha R. Sainato
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) Student Ambassador
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Industrial Management, Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt
Student Name: Justin T. Shake
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Janet D. Shin
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting & Management
Student Name: Jacob Michael Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Archives & Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Emily A. Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Shannon Marie Sremac
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Andrew D. Tuholski
Library/Unit Worked: Dean’s Office
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science, PhD
Student Name: Micaela L. Walls
Library/Unit Worked: Information Resources – Digital Programs
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science and Animal Agribusiness
Student Name: Hao Wang
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Jonathon A. Welk
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Natalie R. Wieclaw
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Environmental Health
Student Name: Marie I. Wood
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Corporate Communication
Student Name: Eliana P. Yu
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Professional Writing
Student Name: Andrew K. Zeller
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics, PhD
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Christien A. Alexander | Libraries Facilities Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Organizational Leadership |
Azwanina Shahizan Azham Shah | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Health & Human Sciences | Psychological Sciences |
Benjamin L. Baker | Archives & Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Political Science |
Destani K. Bartlett | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Law & Society |
Erin Biesterveld | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Health & Human Sciences | Master of Public Health |
Samantha D. Brown | Information Resources – Metadata Services | College of Liberal Arts | History, Minors: Women’s Studies, American Studies, LGBT Studies |
D. Trevor Burrows | Archives & Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History, PhD |
Miranda Erin Campbell | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Theatre Design & Production |
Katie M. Carroll | Scholarly Publishing Services (HABRI Central) | College of Agriculture | Agribusiness Marketing & Agricultural Communication |
Brandt Z. Davis | Archives & Special Collections | College of Agriculture | Agricultural Sales & Marketing |
Skyler M. Doss | Administration & Human Resources | Krannert School of Management | Industrial Management |
William Logan Downing | M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry | College of Science | Atmospheric Science |
Kaelynn D. Duncan | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Economics |
Sindhura Elluri | Distributed Data Curation Center | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer and Information Technology |
Nicole A. Gonzalez | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Agriculture | Animal Science |
Taylor L. Goodpaster | Information Literacy | College of Health & Human Sciences | Speech-Language Pathology |
Amber J. Haga | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health & Human Sciences | Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences |
Katie R. Hatch | Information Resources – Interlibrary Loan | College of Health & Human Sciences | Pre-Professional and Pre-Occupational Therapy |
Joshua A. Heintz | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Financial Counseling & Planning |
Nehemiah Huang | Aviation Technology Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Selling & Sales Management |
Utsav Jain | Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Aerospace Engineering |
Morgan E. Juillerat | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | Krannert School of Management | Accounting & Management |
Muhammad Afiq Junaidy | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Electrical Engineering |
Andrea R. Kaufman | Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences Library | College of Engineering | Civil Engineering |
Yae Ji Kim | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Jessica J. Kitchel | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Selling & Sales Management |
Kollette P. Koehler | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Liberal Arts | Communication & Public Relations |
Diane C. Kuan | Library of Engineering and Science | Krannert School of Management | Management |
Chris Kulesza | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | College of Liberal Arts | Political Science |
Ryan A. Lazur | Physics Library | College of Science | Physics |
Trenton G. Low | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Shanice J. Matthews | Siegesmund Engineering Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Industrial Engineering Technology Minor: Organizational Leadership |
Sedrick M. McDonald | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Accounting |
Emily R. McIlhattan | Mathematical Sciences Library | Krannert School of Management | Accounting & Management |
Caleb J. McLean | Siegesmund Engineering Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer Graphics Technology |
Claudia N. Mena | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Health & Human Sciences | Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences |
Kent A. Miiller | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Health & Human Sciences | Financial Counseling & Planning |
Jennifer I. Montgomery | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Marketing & Management |
Aswin Siva Nagasubramanian | Instruction & Digital Programs Services | College of Science | Computer Science |
Alex C. Namwali | Aviation Technology Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer Graphics Technology |
Bruce A. Olson | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Leah Pennywark | Scholarly Publishing Services | College of Liberal Arts | English |
Shankali U. Pradhan | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
Heidi R. Prawat | Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Psychology |
Yixuan Qiu | Research Data | College of Science | Statistics |
Patrick J. Quinn | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | Krannert School of Management | Industrial Management |
Callie R. Richard | Siegesmund Engineering Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Samantha R. Sainato | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) Student Ambassador | Krannert School of Management | Industrial Management, Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt |
Justin T. Shake | Aviation Technology Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Aviation Management |
Janet D. Shin | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Accounting & Management |
Jacob Michael Smith | Archives & Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Emily A. Smith | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Education | Elementary Education |
Shannon Marie Sremac | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Electrical Engineering |
Andrew D. Tuholski | Dean’s Office | College of Liberal Arts | Political Science, PhD |
Micaela L. Walls | Information Resources – Digital Programs | College of Agriculture | Animal Science and Animal Agribusiness |
Hao Wang | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Jonathon A. Welk | Libraries Facilities | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Natalie R. Wieclaw | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Environmental Health |
Marie I. Wood | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Liberal Arts | Corporate Communication |
Eliana P. Yu | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Liberal Arts | Professional Writing |
Andrew K. Zeller | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | College of Science | Mathematics, PhD |
Student Name: Shelby R. Allen
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Jalen A. Banks
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Networking Information Technology
Student Name: Shannon K. Bischoff
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: General Health Sciences
Student Name: Maxwell C. Campbell
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History (MS)
Student Name: Alexander M. Carbone
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Conner I. Cesario
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematical Statistics
Student Name: Jodie J. Cha
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Communication-Public Relations
Student Name: Helen M. Clark
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Film and Video Studies
Student Name: Esra Coskun
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Philosophy and Literature
Student Name: Gion Crockett
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library & Physics Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Sociology
Student Name: Kayla L. Crump
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Health & Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Kevyn S. Cutler
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Ayanna D. Daniels
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Management/Finance
Student Name: Joshua A. David
Library/Unit Worked: Life Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics
Student Name: Amber J. Davis
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Industrial Engineering Technology
Student Name: Celia C. Duffala
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Emily K. Durkin
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History and Anthropology
Student Name: Chelsea D. Duvall
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Jami R. Eller
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: Danielle A. Ferreira
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Kayleigh Fisher
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Pathology
Student Name: Brooke T. Fourthman
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Adam S. Freeburg
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Student Name: Alexandra E. Gergis
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Tyler W. Gray
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Physical Education
Student Name: Sara M. Green
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Veterinary Medicine
Major: Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Student Name: Matthew D. Groh
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Professional Flight Technology
Student Name: Erica Y. Gutierrez
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Student Name: Austin J. Hartz
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Kleidy M. Herrera
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering
Student Name: William Loomis Heston
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Benaiah L. Hovee
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Accounting
Student Name: Donovan Irven
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Philosophy and Literature
Student Name: Wei Keat Khor
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Conner H. King
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling and Planning
Student Name: Harish V. Kumaravel
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Information Security
Student Name: Dea N. Machely
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Information Systems
Student Name: Andrew N. Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: MBA
Student Name: Carlee Danielle Montgomery
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Financial Counseling and Planning
Student Name: Michael A. Moore
Library/Unit Worked: Libraries Facilities
College/School: College of Education
Major: Secondary English Education
Student Name: Pengfei Nie
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Industrial Engineering
Student Name: Isaac C. Nutter
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Chad R. Oetting
Library/Unit Worked: Life Sciences Library
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Aeronautics and Astronautics
Student Name: Danielle A. Pappas
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance and Management
Student Name: Kaylee E. Parks
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Student Name: Cameron N. Pate
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmaceutical Science
Student Name: Menna Saber
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Public Health
Student Name: Sahanaa Reddy Santhana Krishnan
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Abbey L. Schmitt
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language and Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Mikhail Y. Shalaginov
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Margaret L. Sheble
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English
Student Name: Ethan W. Shepherd
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History/Anthropology
Student Name: Bryan A. Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Science
Major: Chemistry
Student Name: Yuankun Song
Library/Unit Worked: Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Computer and Information Technology
Student Name: Joshua Staker
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Movement and Sports
Student Name: Eric J. Stocking
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Ashley M. Stokes
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Movement and Sport Sciences
Student Name: Tommy (Kin Ho) Tang
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Allison K. Urbaszewski
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Hannah R. Vaughn
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History Honors
Student Name: Davis Webb
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Kaitlyn I. Winters
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Agribusiness: Agricultural Finance Concentration
Student Name: Drupadhchakravarti Yalamanchili
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Shelby R. Allen | Hicks Repository) | College of Health and Human Sciences | Nursing |
Jalen A. Banks | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer Networking Information Technology |
Shannon K. Bischoff | Hicks Repository | College of Health and Human Sciences | General Health Sciences |
Maxwell C. Campbell | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History (MS) |
Alexander M. Carbone | Libraries Facilities | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Aviation Management |
Conner I. Cesario | Hicks Repository | College of Science | Mathematical Statistics |
Jodie J. Cha | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Liberal Arts | Communication-Public Relations |
Helen M. Clark | Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library | College of Liberal Arts | Film and Video Studies |
Esra Coskun | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Philosophy and Literature |
Gion Crockett | Aviation Technology Library & Physics Library | College of Liberal Arts | Sociology |
Kayla L. Crump | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Health & Human Sciences | Psychology |
Kevyn S. Cutler | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Education | Elementary Education |
Ayanna D. Daniels | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Management/Finance |
Joshua A. David | Life Sciences Library | College of Science | Mathematics |
Amber J. Davis | M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Industrial Engineering Technology |
Celia C. Duffala | Digital Programs | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer Graphics Technology |
Emily K. Durkin | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History and Anthropology |
Chelsea D. Duvall | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Agriculture | Animal Science |
Jami R. Eller | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychological Sciences |
Danielle A. Ferreira | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Education | Elementary Education |
Kayleigh Fisher | Research Data | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech Language Pathology |
Brooke T. Fourthman | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Science | Biology |
Adam S. Freeburg | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Engineering | Aerospace Engineering |
Alexandra E. Gergis | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Liberal Arts | Law and Society |
Tyler W. Gray | Libraries Facilities | College of Health and Human Sciences | Physical Education |
Sara M. Green | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Veterinary Medicine | Pre-Veterinary Medicine |
Matthew D. Groh | Aviation Technology Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Professional Flight Technology |
Erica Y. Gutierrez | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Liberal Arts | Public Relations and Strategic Communication |
Austin J. Hartz | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Liberal Arts | Law and Society |
Kleidy M. Herrera | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Civil Engineering |
William Loomis Heston | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer and Information Technology |
Benaiah L. Hovee | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Accounting |
Donovan Irven | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | Philosophy and Literature |
Wei Keat Khor | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Electrical Engineering |
Conner H. King | Libraries Facilities | College of Health and Human Sciences | Financial Counseling and Planning |
Harish V. Kumaravel | Research Data | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Information Security |
Dea N. Machely | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Information Systems |
Andrew N. Martin | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | Krannert School of Management | MBA |
Carlee Danielle Montgomery | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health and Human Sciences | Financial Counseling and Planning |
Michael A. Moore | Libraries Facilities | College of Education | Secondary English Education |
Pengfei Nie | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Industrial Engineering |
Isaac C. Nutter | Hicks Repository | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychology |
Chad R. Oetting | Life Sciences Library | College of Engineering | Aeronautics and Astronautics |
Danielle A. Pappas | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Finance and Management |
Kaylee E. Parks | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Liberal Arts | Public Relations and Strategic Communication |
Cameron N. Pate | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Science |
Menna Saber | M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry | College of Health and Human Sciences | Public Health |
Sahanaa Reddy Santhana Krishnan | Archives and Special Collections | College of Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Abbey L. Schmitt | Siegesmund Engineering Library | Health and Human Sciences | Speech Language and Hearing Sciences |
Mikhail Y. Shalaginov | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | College of Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Margaret L. Sheble | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | English |
Ethan W. Shepherd | M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry | College of Liberal Arts | History/Anthropology |
Bryan A. Smith | Interlibrary Loan | College of Science | Chemistry |
Yuankun Song | Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2) | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Computer and Information Technology |
Joshua Staker | Physics Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Movement and Sports |
Eric J. Stocking | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Ashley M. Stokes | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health and Human Sciences | Movement and Sport Sciences |
Tommy (Kin Ho) Tang | Aviation Technology Library | Purdue Polytechnic Institute | Aviation Management |
Allison K. Urbaszewski | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Hannah R. Vaughn | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History Honors |
Davis Webb | Physics Library | College of Science | Computer Science |
Kaitlyn I. Winters | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Agriculture | Agribusiness: Agricultural Finance Concentration |
Drupadhchakravarti Yalamanchili | Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Student Name: Janna M. Ahrndt
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Linguistics
Student Name: Karen R. Bassett
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Information Technology
Student Name: Hannah E. Bays
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology/Archaeology
Student Name: Erin K. Biesterveld
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Public Health Community
Student Name: Kelsey E. Blasingame
Library/Unit Worked: Research Data
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (MS)
Student Name: Dhiraj Bodicherla
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Graphics (MS)
Student Name: Rachel E. Borsa
Library/Unit Worked: Aviation Technology Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Professional Flight
Student Name: Heidi Branham
Library/Unit Worked: Purdue University Press
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Public Relations (MS)
Student Name: Courtney M. Brennan
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Stephanie R. Brobst
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Nursing
Student Name: Ryan N. Buss
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English Literature / Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Student Name: Traci A. Cramer
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Agriculture/td>
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Jasmine J. Crawford
Library/Unit Worked: Information Technology
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Student Name: Demetrius A. Cross
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Deanna R. Dahman
Library/Unit Worked: Veterinary Medical Library
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Animal Science
Student Name: Andrea L. DaViera
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences/td>
Major: Psychological Sciences
Student Name: James E. Dobson
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Aviation Management
Student Name: Kent C. Etherton
Library/Unit Worked: Life Sciences Library Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Shuying Feng
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Student Name: Susan M. Fowler
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Information Technology
Student Name: Jesse I. Fuller
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Student Name: Diana P. Gingerich
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Jose F. Gutierrez
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Building Construction Management
Student Name: Victoria E. Haines
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Michael D. Hands
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Science
Major: Chemistry
Student Name: Chelsia Harris
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Organizational Leadership and Supervision
Student Name: Andrew W. Herlihy
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science Engineering
Student Name: Heather L. Hopkins
Library/Unit Worked: Metadata Services
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History
Student Name: Jacob W. Kennedy
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Building Construction Management
Student Name: Bradley M. Kidney
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology (pre-vet)
Student Name: Julie Marie Kitchel
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Devi S. Kovi
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science
Student Name: Eunjee (Jamie) Lee
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Pharmacy
Major: Pharmaceutical Science
Student Name: Shuo Li
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Finance/Management
Student Name: Alexandra B. Lindenmuth
Library/Unit Worked: Interlibrary Loan
Archives and Special Collections
Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English Literature and Creative Writing
Student Name: Chloe J. Lindsay
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Actuarial Science and Applied Statistics
Student Name: Bo Ling
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Benjamin E.B. Lins
Library/Unit Worked: Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Chemical Engineering
Student Name: Basil F. Maroney
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Science
Major: Geology and Geophysics
Student Name: Katie E. Martin
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: History and American Studies
Student Name: Danielle A. Martindale
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Biology
Student Name: Bradley J. Matthews
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Psychology
Student Name: Michael J. Maune
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Education
Major: English Education
Student Name: Brandalyn A.R. Miller
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Agriculture
Major: Interdisciplinary Agriculture
Student Name: Curtis R. Mitchel
Library/Unit Worked: Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Chemistry
Student Name: Andrew Murrel
Library/Unit Worked: Physics Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Physics and Computer Science
Student Name: Tyler JM Navarro
Library/Unit Worked: Archives and Special Collections
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Electrical Engineering
Student Name: Lauren M. Niehaus
Library/Unit Worked: M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Building Construction Management
Student Name: Dominicia G. Norwood
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Education
Major: Elementary Education
Student Name: Jamie K. Nunan
Library/Unit Worked: Siegesmund Engineering Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Speech Language Hearing Sciences
Student Name: Michelle M. Olson
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Creative Writing
Student Name: Nathanael R. Priest
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Philosophy
Student Name: Gisele M. Rawlins
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science Engineering
Student Name: Michael R. Ricketts
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Mechanical Engineering Technology
Student Name: Kiersten R. Sanders
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Veterinary Medicine
Major: Veterinary Technology
Student Name: LeAnna C. Sanders
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Veterinary Medicine
Major: Veterinary Technology
Student Name: Abhishek Saxena
Library/Unit Worked: Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Austin D. Scherbarth
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Materials Science Engineering
Student Name: Tiffany M. Sedberry
Library/Unit Worked: Research and Assessment
College/School: College of Education
Major: Literacy and Language/English Education
Student Name: Rachel C. Shea
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Anthropology and Classical Studies
Student Name: Cory Smith
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Science
Major: Mathematics and Statistics
Student Name: Chadwick M. Strong
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Technology
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Student Name: Kyler F. Styx
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: Krannert School of Management
Major: Marketing and Management
Student Name: Christina M. Tasicas
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Undergraduate Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Communication
Student Name: Rachael L. Toth
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Multidisciplinary engineering/Visual Design Engineering
Student Name: Yugal Vaishnav
Library/Unit Worked: Information Technology
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Mechanical Enagineering
Student Name: Lauren P. Weldy
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: English
Student Name: Robert M. Wells
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Political Science
Student Name: Derek J. Williams
Library/Unit Worked: Hicks Repository
College/School: College of Science
Krannert School of Management
Krannert School of Management
Major: Chemistry
Industrial Management
Industrial Management
Student Name: Taylor P. Wolfe
Library/Unit Worked: Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE)
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Selling and Sales Management
Student Name: Hongbo (Albert) Yang
Library/Unit Worked: Instruction and Digital Programs Services
College/School: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Engineering
Student Name: Haley M. Young
Library/Unit Worked: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Movement and Sport Sciences
Student Name: Vanessa S. Young
Library/Unit Worked: Mathematical Sciences Library
College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Major: Law and Society
Student Name: Ashley N. Zentz
Library/Unit Worked: Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Student Name: Yidan Zheng
Library/Unit Worked: Research and Assessment
College/School: College of Science
Major: Computer Science
Student Name: Abigail R. Zindren
Library/Unit Worked: Digital Programs
College/School: College of Health and Human Sciences
Major: Public Health Promotion/Women’s Studies
Student Name | Library/Unit Worked | College/School | Major |
Janna M. Ahrndt | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Linguistics |
Karen R. Bassett | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Technology | Computer Information Technology |
Hannah E. Bays | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology/Archaeology |
Erin K. Biesterveld | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Health and Human Sciences | Public Health Community |
Kelsey E. Blasingame | Research Data | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (MS) |
Dhiraj Bodicherla | Instruction and Digital Programs Services | College of Technology | Computer Graphics (MS) |
Rachel E. Borsa | Aviation Technology Library | College of Technology | Professional Flight |
Heidi Branham | Purdue University Press | College of Liberal Arts | Public Relations (MS) |
Courtney M. Brennan | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech Language Hearing Sciences |
Stephanie R. Brobst | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Nursing |
Ryan N. Buss | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Liberal Arts | English Literature / Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies |
Traci A. Cramer | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Agriculture/td> | Animal Science |
Jasmine J. Crawford | Information Technology | College of Technology | Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology |
Demetrius A. Cross | Instruction and Digital Programs Services | College of Technology | Computer Graphics Technology |
Deanna R. Dahman | Veterinary Medical Library | College of Agriculture | Animal Science |
Andrea L. DaViera | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Health and Human Sciences/td> | Psychological Sciences |
James E. Dobson | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Technology | Aviation Management |
Kent C. Etherton | Life Sciences Library Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychology |
Shuying Feng | Instruction and Digital Programs Services | College of Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Susan M. Fowler | Hicks Undergraduate Library Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Technology | Computer Information Technology |
Jesse I. Fuller | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health and Human Sciences | Brain and Behavioral Sciences |
Diana P. Gingerich | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Jose F. Gutierrez | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Technology | Building Construction Management |
Victoria E. Haines | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychology |
Michael D. Hands | M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry | College of Science | Chemistry |
Chelsia Harris | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Technology | Organizational Leadership and Supervision |
Andrew W. Herlihy | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) Interlibrary Loan | College of Engineering | Materials Science Engineering |
Heather L. Hopkins | Metadata Services | College of Liberal Arts | History |
Jacob W. Kennedy | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Technology | Building Construction Management |
Bradley M. Kidney | Digital Programs | College of Science | Biology (pre-vet) |
Julie Marie Kitchel | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Selling and Sales Management |
Devi S. Kovi | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Science | Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science |
Eunjee (Jamie) Lee | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Science |
Shuo Li | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | Krannert School of Management | Finance/Management |
Alexandra B. Lindenmuth | Interlibrary Loan Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | English Literature and Creative Writing |
Chloe J. Lindsay | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library | College of Science | Actuarial Science and Applied Statistics |
Bo Ling | Digital Programs | College of Science | Computer Science |
Benjamin E.B. Lins | Undergraduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (USLAC) | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
Basil F. Maroney | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Science | Geology and Geophysics |
Katie E. Martin | Archives and Special Collections | College of Liberal Arts | History and American Studies |
Danielle A. Martindale | Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library | College of Science | Biology |
Bradley J. Matthews | Physics Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Psychology |
Michael J. Maune | Archives and Special Collections | College of Education | English Education |
Brandalyn A.R. Miller | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Agriculture | Interdisciplinary Agriculture |
Curtis R. Mitchel | Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences Library | College of Science | Chemistry |
Andrew Murrel | Physics Library | College of Science | Physics and Computer Science |
Tyler JM Navarro | Archives and Special Collections | College of Engineering | Electrical Engineering |
Lauren M. Niehaus | M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry | College of Technology | Building Construction Management |
Dominicia G. Norwood | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Education | Elementary Education |
Jamie K. Nunan | Siegesmund Engineering Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Speech Language Hearing Sciences |
Michelle M. Olson | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library | College of Liberal Arts | Creative Writing |
Nathanael R. Priest | Digital Programs | College of Liberal Arts | Philosophy |
Gisele M. Rawlins | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Materials Science Engineering |
Michael R. Ricketts | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library | College of Technology | Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Kiersten R. Sanders | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Technology |
LeAnna C. Sanders | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Technology |
Abhishek Saxena | Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council (GSLAC) | College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Austin D. Scherbarth | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Engineering | Materials Science Engineering |
Tiffany M. Sedberry | Research and Assessment | College of Education | Literacy and Language/English Education |
Rachel C. Shea | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Liberal Arts | Anthropology and Classical Studies |
Cory Smith | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Science | Mathematics and Statistics |
Chadwick M. Strong | Instruction and Digital Programs Services | College of Technology | Computer Graphics Technology |
Kyler F. Styx | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | Krannert School of Management | Marketing and Management |
Christina M. Tasicas | Hicks Undergraduate Library | College of Liberal Arts | Communication |
Rachael L. Toth | Hicks Repository | College of Engineering | Multidisciplinary engineering/Visual Design Engineering |
Yugal Vaishnav | Information Technology | College of Engineering | Mechanical Enagineering |
Lauren P. Weldy | Digital Programs | College of Liberal Arts | English |
Robert M. Wells | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Liberal Arts | Political Science |
Derek J. Williams | Hicks Repository | College of Science Krannert School of Management | Chemistry Industrial Management |
Taylor P. Wolfe | Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) | College of Health and Human Sciences | Selling and Sales Management |
Hongbo (Albert) Yang | Instruction and Digital Programs Services | College of Engineering | Computer Engineering |
Haley M. Young | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Library | College of Health and Human Sciences | Movement and Sport Sciences |
Vanessa S. Young | Mathematical Sciences Library | College of Liberal Arts | Law and Society |
Ashley N. Zentz | Roland G. Parrish Library of Management and Economics | College of Health and Human Sciences | Hospitality and Tourism Management |
Yidan Zheng | Research and Assessment | College of Science | Computer Science |
Abigail R. Zindren | Digital Programs | College of Health and Human Sciences | Public Health Promotion/Women’s Studies |