GIS Day 2013 College Program

Geospatial Data is Everywhere

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 8:45 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

  Stewart Center, Room 302
8:30 amPoster session contest. (Hang posters 8:30 – 9:00 Room 306)Managed by Ian Pope
8:45 amMain Program Introduction and theme celebration, Room 302 
9:00 amLightning Talks : Brief student talks on Purdue research using GIS, Room 302Moderated by PPDA Co-President Arjun Kalbag
9:30 amRoundtable: How is Mobile Technology Driving Local Enterprise GISMark Ehle, (Tippecanoe County GIS)Kirby Kalbaugh, (Purdue University) others as presenters and moderators.
10:00 amMobile GIS Technology in Start-ups and student developmentMikel Berger1, Chris Sieburn, Daryl Starr2 (1DelMar and 2Advanced Ag Solutions
11:00 amMorning Keynote: “Big Data GIS”: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Matt Hutchinson3, (3Woolpert)
12:00 pmCareers lunch for Purdue students, with industry panel (INDOT, Woolpert, DelMar, Advanced Ag Solutions, PCRD)Deans’ Auditorium, Pfendler Hall   Light Lunch provided
1:30 pmGIS in a Social Science project: “It Can Happen Here: Lynching in Indiana, 1858-1930Rich Hogan4 (4Purdue University)
2:00 pmAfternoon Keynote: Invited: Pathways to GIS Careers: A bring your laptop, hands-on ArcGIS Online Experience. Randall Raymond, DPS Office of Research, Evaluation, Assessment and Accountability; Retired.
2:45Past, Present and Future Research, 3-D GIS for Research across DisciplinesCityEngine DEMO by ESRI’s Mark HollingsheadModerated by Indraneel Kumar9; (9Purdue Center for Regional Development.)
3:15 pmBreak
3:45 pmHow Mobile and Cloud Computing are changing GIS at INDOTJoel Bump8 (8INDOT)
4:30 pmRoundtable: GIS Resources at Purdue for Students and Faculty: software, servers, virtual and local classes. Larry Biehl5, Nicolle Kong6,  Benjamin D. Branch6 , Larry Theller7(5ITAP, 6Purdue Libraries, 7Purdue ABE)
4:30 pmHands On: Ground Penetrating Radar demonstration (on the mall)
5:00 pm5:30 pm7:00 pmTippecanoe County GIS team hosts displays for the public and Purdue visitorsFaculty break-out dinner and discussion –On “Forming a GIS strategy and considering an Arboretum Example”  Room 306Rooms Close at 7:00 pm

Questions?  Contact

GIS Day @Purdue is made possible by support from:
Office of the Provost
Office of Vice President for Research
College of Agriculture
College of Science
College Education
College of Technology
GIS Libraries Department