Archival Materials The digitized archives and special collections of Purdue University
Articles Journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports
Books & Media Books, journals, images, audio & visual, scores, and maps in Purdue University Libraries collection
Course Reserves Books and materials reserved for courses
Databases List of databases for articles, datasets, research reports, indexes, and more
Journals A to Z list of journals available from the library
Purdue e-Pubs A digital document repository including e-books, papers, reports, dissertations, journal articles, and other documents by Purdue authors
Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) An online research data repository containing data sets and data files of Purdue researchers
Quick Refererence Links of a general nature for quick reference
Additional Tools
Citation Linker Check the availability of an article, journal, or book against the Library’s collections UBorrow Search and request loans from Big Ten Academic Alliance Libraries
Other Catalogs
OCLC WorldCat Search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands of other libraries around the world
HathiTrust A collaborative repository of digital content from research libraries including content digitized via the Google Books project and Internet Archive digitization initiatives, as well as content digitized locally by libraries Other Catalogs Links to Purdue, Indiana, major academic, and public catalogs