D-VELoP (Data Visualization Experience Lab of Purdue)

WALC 3045 (GIS Lab) + WALC 3049 (Data Visualization Room)

How can we help you D-VELoP your research, coursework, or other projects? Come use our data visualization lab, our Viz Wall, have something 3D printed, or receive assistance turning your data into knowledge through visualization technologies.

find out more



Expert support integrating geospatial information into your project. For consultations, please contact Nicole Kong.

3D Printing

3D Printing

Wanting to get started with 3D printing? We can help format files, and the first 75 grams of printing is free. For more information visit the 3D Printing LibGuide.

VIZ Wall

Viz Wall

Expert support integrating geospatial information into your project. For consultations, please contact Nicole Kong.

Viz Computer Lab

20 computer stations with dual 4k monitors, loaded with specialized software. The lab is open until 2am Monday-Thursday; 12am Friday and closed Saturday and Sunday.

D-VELoP Blog/Events

Check out out Workshop Series on Data Visualization and Maker techniques and tools.


Locating or characterizing a particular chemical compound can be quite confusing. For guidance choosing a database or searching for compounds and their properties, please contact Dave Zwicky.


Guidance selecting and using the best bioinformatics tools and databases for your work. For consultations, please contact Pete Pascuzzi.

Gallery of Projects

See the kinds of projects you can d-velop in the lab. Visualization Gallery.