Digital Scholarship
We apply the principles of library and archival sciences to meet the challenges and needs of researchers and students in finding, using, preparing, managing, curating and preserving research data. Working with our liaison librarians, we can help you plan, describe, disseminate, steward and archive your datasets.
Our Services
Archives, Special Collections, and Preservation
We offer historical, original primary source collections (rare books, archival documents, photos, artifacts) for use in research and instruction. These unique, raw data sources are used to create new scholarship. We can help you use the collections, whether you are writing a book or journal article, creating an online exhibit, developing a digital humanities project, or instructing students on archival research, digitization, digital preservation, or digital scholarship.
Go to Archives and Special Collections.
Copyright is the underpinning of all scholarly works. Copyright ownership of the works that authors create or the use of copyrighted works in the creation of an original work involve some basic copyright knowledge to inform an author’s decision-making. The University Copyright Office provides individual consultations to Purdue faculty, staff and students as well as workshops on all aspects of the U.S. Copyright Act.
Go to the University Copyright Office.
We help researchers with research data management including consulting on writing and implementing data management plans with grant proposals, using the PURR campus research data repository to manage, publish, and archive your data, getting a DOI for your dataset, teaching data literacy, and consulting on data curation issues with faculty and students.
Go to Research Data.
Digital Humanities
Purdue Libraries and School of Information Studies is a campus leader in Digital Humanities, offering courses and certificates in DH, workshops on digital methods and data, and campus events. Researchers can reserve space in the Digital Humanities Studio, which provides access to tools and software and is located in Stewart Center, room 153 (on the first floor of HSSE Library). Researchers also have access to the Digital Humanities Toolbox, a collection of tools and platforms for digital scholarship.
Go to Digital Humanities Toolbox.
How can you extract the knowledge buried in your data? Visualization technologies can show relationships that are otherwise opaque. D-VELoP, the Data Visualization Experience Lab of Purdue, provides software, hardware, and expertise in visualization technologies. You can utilize our computer lab, Viz Wall, or take advantage of our team of data visualization experts in areas that include Bioinformatics, Knowledge Management, Cheminformatics, and GIS.
Go to D-VELoP
The Purdue Libraries provides various equipment for loan and technologies to use in digital scholarship projects. Our mission is to support and facilitate integrated learning of information and technology literacy for Purdue University students. To accomplish these goals, we provide several services and technologies, including a state-of-the-art computer lab, an active learning visualization lab, several 3D printers, a wide format color printer, various types of audio/visual equipment, and an assortment of tech items (GoPros, 360° camera, raspberry pi boards, and other smart technologies) available for checkout through the web.