On-Site Filming and Professional Photography
The Purdue Archives and Special Collections welcomes the inclusion of collections in film, television, Internet and social media productions; however, the Archives reserves the right to refuse permission to film or photograph its collections. As an academic research library our first priority is to provide collection access and instruction to student and scholarly researchers and to ensure the preservation of the unique and irreplaceable materials in our collections. To protect our collections from damage during filming and photography sessions, the Purdue University Libraries Archives and Special Collections requires observance of the following policies and guidelines.
Filming Requests
Requests for filming and professional on-site photography must be made at least two weeks in advance. More advance notice may be required for sessions involving large numbers of items, special preparation, or when personnel or facilities are unavailable to meet the terms of the request.
A list of persons that will be present for the filming is required in advance. The Purdue Archives and Special Collections will not be responsible fiscally or otherwise for any inconvenience or liability to the schedule, deadlines, or obligations of camera and filming crews.
A Purdue Archives and Special Collections staff member will attend filming and photography sessions. The crew should stay with the staff member at all times. Due to limited staffing resources, all film or photography sessions will be limited to 2 hours.
All filming requests related to Neil Armstrong must first obtain permissions and licensing from CMG Worldwide. The contact is Azadeh Sinai Samimi, azadeh@cmgworldwide.com, 310-651-2000, extension 17.
Filming is only permitted in the public spaces of the Purdue Archives. No filming in closed storage areas is allowed. Times for filming may be limited to avoid disruption to researchers’ quiet study. The Archives is open for research Monday to Friday, 10:00 – 4:30. Scheduling filming between 8:00 – 10:00 (before public hours) is preferred. All filming must be completed before 4:30 PM.
Filming building exteriors and other university locations and grounds is allowed; however, permission and registration is required. For permission contact Emily Blue at Purdue Marketing & Media: emilyblue@purdue.edu, (765) 494-3940.
Purdue University is a smoke free campus and smoking is only permitted in designated areas away from campus buildings. All building security, inspection, clearance and safety procedures must be followed.
All crew members are required to register at the Archives, and will be provided a visitor pass that they must wear at all times during the session. Crew members are required to adhere to all patron guidelines.
No food, chewing gum, candy, drinks, pens, markers or other items that can cause damage to collections are allowed in the Archives and Special Collections.
Collections Handling and Placement
Only approved Archives and Special Collections staff will handle and position collection items during filming/photography sessions. Collection materials may not be used as props, stands, or supports for other items, nor may they be positioned in such a way as to cause potential or real stress or damage. Documents must not be marked in any way, including use of sticky notes or other adhesives.
Identifying Items to Film
You are responsible for identifying the materials you wish to request to film. The Archives cannot conduct research on your behalf beyond the typical orientation to collections provided to all patrons.
Requests for items to film must include the collection name, box number, folder number, and item title or description. Requests must be submitted at least two weeks before filming. Staffing limitations prohibit retrieval of additional items on the day of filming. It is only feasible for staff to safely handle up to 5 documents within one hours’ filming time. Please keep this in mind and prioritize the items you would like to film first.
Privacy and Noise
Photographers/filmmakers will secure permission from researchers, staff, and/or members of the public prior to photographing/filming them or disseminating images of individuals in the location.
Every effort will be made to reduce noise that may disrupt researchers’ quiet study in the Archives. Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibration mode, and voices should be kept at low volumes.
Lighting and Equipment
All apparatus and equipment proposed for filming is subject to approval by Purdue Archives and Special Collections. All equipment bags and other containers must be placed into provided lockers.
Lamps must not raise the surface temperature of collection materials or the room environment beyond levels appropriate to the safety of collection materials. Maximum duration of continuous lighting will be determined by Archives and Special Collections staff.
Because of the risks of high temperature, UV exposure, and light intensity to the stability of collections, quartz and mercury lamps are not permitted. All lamps must have wire screening shields. Lamps should be turned off when not in use. No lights or equipment may be clamped to any fixed furnishings. Should power overloads or other malfunction result in erratic electrical behavior, blown building fuses, overheating cables, or other potential danger, the session will be terminated immediately.
Social Media
The Purdue Archives reserves the right to mention the filming session, including the subject matter, in social media the day before, during, or after the program airs or premiers. The film company/producer agrees to accept that a photograph can be taken by the Archives at the time of filming for such use.
A credit line will accompany each still photograph or film, as follows: Courtesy of Purdue University Libraries, Archives and Special Collections. A final copy of the photographs/film or related product will be provided, at no charge, to Archives and Special Collections.
Agreement to Terms
Requestors for filming and professional on-site photography must sign and return a copy of these policies to Purdue Archives and Special Collections. A downloadable PDF of the agreement is available at http://www.lib.purdue.edu/sites/default/files/spcol/filming-and-professional-photography-agreement.pdf.