Diversity and Making – Episode 2

Episode 2: Makers Making Assistive Devices – Kristina Mok

In this episode, we talk with Kristina Mok from Makers Making Change. The mission of the organization is to “achieve economic and social inclusiveness for all people with disabilities.” The organization achieves this mission through community based Makers, Occupational Therapists and Volunteers to develop and deliver affordable open source assistive technologies. We discuss the Maker volunteer and client relationship and the assistive device open source library. We also discuss how Boilermakers can start their own chapter of Makers Making Change in Indiana.
Makers Making Change has an assistive device project for you to try! A raindrop switch is an alternative input switch that allows people with limited agility/mobility or dexterity to operate devices such as an Xbox Adaptive Controller with the use of one finger by tapping on the switch. The switch can also be used with phones, tablets, computers and even environmental controls to open doors and lights, but you will need a switch interface like the Swifty from Origin Instruments.
Free Materials to make the raindrop switch are available to students October 26, Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC), 1st floor, 5-8 PM, by the reference desk. If you cannot make it on the 26th, leftover kits will be available at the WALC, 2nd floor reference desk until they are gone.
Making Activity: Raindrop Switch
Powered to Game 2019
Adaptive Toy Hack